Details on the membership and role of each of the Council’s committees can be found by clicking on the links below.
Cabinet (the Council’s “executive”) and its committees are appointed by the Leader to undertake specific executive functions either in a decision-making capacity or to advise on specific issues before it makes a decision.
The following committees have been appointed by the council to exercise its regulatory functions and those functions which are not carried out by the Executive.
Overview and Scrutiny Commission scrutinises decisions the executive is planning to take, those it plans to implement, and those that have already been taken/implemented. The three Overview and Scrutiny Panels carry out in-depth reviews which focus on delivering the Council Plan. The new structure makes it easier for elected members to get involved in supporting policy development, pre-decision input as well as scrutiny. Through their work programme, Overview and Scrutiny hold the authority's decision-makers to account.
More information about Overview and Scrutiny at Bracknell Forest can be found at