Committee details

Executive Committee: Commercial Property

Purpose of committee

(Meetings are usually open to the public)


Terms of Reference


1.       To take decisions in relation to Executive functions involving:


·         Allocation of resources within a Council approved rolling programme between £100,000 and £250,000


·         Authorisation of capital expenditure above estimate not exceeding £50,000


·         Writing off debts in excess of £20,000 and not exceeding £50,000


·         Approval of terms for the acquisition of land and buildings in excess of £100,000 and not exceeding £500,000


·         Approval of terms for the disposal of land and buildings of less than 0.5 hectares and not exceeding £500,000


2.       To determine any other non-key decision of a routine nature which the Council's Financial, Contracts or other procedure rules specify should not be taken by an individual member of the Executive.


Contact information

Support officer: Hannah Harding. 01344 352308

Postal address:
Democratic Services
Time Square
Market Street
RG12 1JD

Phone: 01344 352308
