Anyone wishing to speak at a Board meeting should read the Scheme for Public Participation in the Health and Wellbeing Board
Terms of Reference
1.1 The Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory committee of the local authority which:
a. Is established in accordance with section 194 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (“the Act”); and,
b. Is treated as a Committee of the Council under section 102 of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the 1972 Act”) and provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (“the 1989 Act”); excepting modifications and disapplications of the 1972 Act and the 1989 Act as set out in The Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny Regulations 2013) (“the Regulations”); and,
c. Will be subject to any amendment or replacement of or regulation or guidance applicable to any legislation relevant to the functions, powers and duties of Health and Wellbeing Boards.
Locally Agreed Working Arrangements for the Board
1. Functions and Responsibilities
The Board shall:
1.1 Improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities of local people in Bracknell Forest who are defined in the Act as:
a. people who live in the Borough
b. people to whom care services are being or may be provided in the Borough
c. people from the Borough to whom care services are being provided in any other place
1.2 Prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy in accordance with the provisions set out in f) below
1.3 Encourage integrated working between members of the Board and between the Board and other services with health–related outcomes.
1.4 Assume any function with a health-related outcome delegated to it by the Council under section 196(2) of the Act
1.5 Facilitate and enable a duty to cooperate between the Secretary of State and all individuals and organisations who carry out health protection functions under Section 60 of the Act and request information from any statutory, specific or cooperating body of the Board in accordance with the provisions of section 199 of the Act.
2 Exercising responsibilities of the Board
The Board shall:
2.1 Comply with the Duty to Integrate
2.1.1 In accordance with section 195 of the Act, the Board shall identify, create or enhance integrated working relationships between existing or new partners, agencies and providers of services with health related outcomes so that they may work in a joined up and integrated manner and in so doing:
a.) Assess the impact of the Act and any other relevant legislation as enacted or subject to Parliamentary passage on the functions, powers and duties of Health and Wellbeing Boards and services for which members of the Board are responsible
b.) Address gaps in skills, knowledge and experience and develop common and shared understanding of priorities and issues relating to respective partner agencies in exercising the functions of the Board
c.) Identify and maximise the use of any function, service or asset that may have an impact on the health and wellbeing outcomes of local people which is under the purview of health or social care services whether delivered directly by those services or in partnership with or through third parties on behalf of those services
d.) Allow for inclusive and joint working with other health and wellbeing boards under section 198 of the Act as necessary in particular, with the health and wellbeing board in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead in ways that are agreeable to all members’ governing bodies, for purposes and circumstances as defined and agreed by the Board
e.) Ensure effective multi-agency and multi-sector contribution to improving health and wellbeing outcomes for all people in the Borough, and specifically in relation to:
i) the agreement of joint commissioning arrangements for reviewing, considering and agreeing the educational, health and social care provision (“EHC provision”) for children and young people with special educational needs for whom the local authority is responsible subject to section 26 of the Children and Families Bill and;
ii) the publication of information (the “local offer”) relating to the educational, health and social care provision (“EHC provision”) for children and young people with special educational needs for whom the local authority is responsible within and outside the local authority area in accordance with section 30 of the Children and Families Bill
iii) co-operation and assistance of each identified local partner of the local authority in accordance with section 28 of the Children and Families Bill
iv) the requirements of the Care Bill (HL1) in relation to the Local Safeguarding Adults Board in accordance with Schedule 2
f.) Direct and focus the work of the Board through the production of a forward plan that is reviewed and refreshed on a regular basis
g.) Establish, oversee and monitor the work of any sub-groups of the Board.
2.2 Identification of local needs
The Board shall:
2.2.2 Ensure the Local Authority and Bracknell and Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group and the Director of Public Health and Local Healthwatch Bracknell Forest will work under an equal and explicit obligation to determine arrangements to secure the commissioning of quality, consistent and comprehensive health and local government services for all people throughout the life course from pre-cradle to grave, through the:
a. Use of existing or commissioning in partnership of new mechanisms as required, to engage with and involve patients and the public, including children and young people, parents and families, to secure and evidence their views and inform the deliberations of the Board and its business
b. Preparation of an enhanced Joint Strategic Needs Assessment in accordance with section 192 of the Act and subsequent regulation[1] that considers:
i) the needs of the whole community, wider social, environmental and economic factors
ii) the health and social care information needs of the community
iii) an assessment of the community’s asset and resource offer
iv) EHC provision subject to section 27 of the Children and Families Bill 2012 and review under section 28 of the same
c. Development of a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (s.193) which identifies priorities and resources to deliver improved health outcomes and reduce health inequalities, and assess the following for alignment with the strategy:
i) the CCG commissioning plan in accordance with section 26 of the Act
ii) Local Authority Service Plans in accordance with the provisions of s.193 (116 B (a) and (b)) of the Act
iii) The Local Healthwatch forward plan in the spirit of section 26 of the Act
d. Development, updating and publishing of local pharmaceutical needs assessments (s.206)
e. Transfer (s.17) to and delivery (s18) of public health responsibilities by the local authority
f. Agreement of the Education and Training Plan of the Local Education Training Boards to ensure that it is aligned with the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the area as per section 64 (3)(f) of the Care Bill
g. Receipt of the Local Safeguarding Adults Board annual report for the specific review by the Chairman of the Board and the Local Healthwatch representative at the end of each financial year in accordance with Schedule 1, 3(3) of the Care Bill
2.3 Information Sharing and Cooperation
The Board shall:
2.3.1 Work within an agreed information sharing protocol that shall enable the commissioning, identification, access and exchange of data and information between members of the Board, other committees and partnerships and providers of services or other agencies or bodies with health related outcomes that is compliant with information standards as issued by the Health and Social Care Information Centre in accordance with Part 9 of the Act
2.3.2 Constituent members of the Board shall be responsible for advising the sensitivity of documentation submitted to the Board.
The Board shall:
2.4.1 Advise, assist or support the encouragement or making of arrangements for the pooling of resources under section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 in accordance with section 195 (2) of the Act or such other frameworks or mechanisms as applicable to ensure the objectives of the Board are met.
2.5 Accountability and Performance Monitoring
The Board shall:
2.5.1 Comply with applicable legislation, regulations, guidance and local provisions to:
a. meet with the provisions for independent health overview and scrutiny
b. ensure the voice of patients and the public are heard in the business of the Board as set out in 2.2.2 above
c. Deliver against agreed priorities set out in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
d. Monitor and measure improvements in health outcomes and reduction in health inequalities against the national Outcomes Frameworks for health, adult social care and public health and other locally relevant measures.
[1] Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies – Guidance for Consultation, DH Gateway Reference 17858, 31 July 2012
Support officer: Lizzie Rich. 01344 352253