of Reference of the Schools Forum
To agree changes to school funding proposed by the LA where there
is a statutory power for the Forum to make the decision. This
currently includes changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools;
setting the budget level for the School Specific Contingency;
agreeing increases to the centrally managed schools budget when
such items are proposed to increase by a greater proportion than
budgets delegated to schools; abatement of the Minimum Funding
Guarantee if the outcome is not considered appropriate, provided no
more than 50% of schools are affected.
To be consulted upon and make some decisions with regard to the
LA’s school funding formula
– specifically any changes in relation to the factors and
criteria, methods, principles and rules used to calculate schools
budgets and the financial effects of any proposed changes;
To be consulted annually on specific issues in connection with the
Schools Budget:
The arrangements for pupils with special educational needs
The arrangements for pupil referral units (PRUs) and EOTAS
Arrangements for early years education
Arrangements for insurance
Revisions to the Scheme for Financing Schools
Arrangements for grants
Arrangements for free school meals
To be consulted on service contracts – specifically prior to
the invitation to tender for contracts being paid from the schools
budget and the value of the contract is more than that within the
Public Services Contract regulations.
In addition the Forum will be consulted on any other matters
concerning the funding of schools that the LA sees fit.