Venue: Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD
Contact: Hannah Harding 01344 352308
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 156 KB To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 12 July 2023.
A letter from the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission is included in the agenda advising the council of the outcome of the Commission’s deliberation on the referral of motion 03/2023 at the previous council meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that there was an error in the minutes at agenda 7, motion 04/2023 where the original motion had been recorded incorrectly, this would be amended.
RESOLVED that, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 12 July 2023 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.
Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.
Any Member with an affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting. There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor reported on her activities since the last Council meeting in July. She had attended supper at the Bishop of Reading’s house where it had been lovely to meet so many leaders from across the County and also attended Funfest with looked after children and their foster parents where she had met some amazing young people.
The Mayor had taken some time off in August and attended seven public events and four meetings. One of the events attended was at SO Resi apartments, where the Mayor had learnt that almost 70 units would be allocated for social housing, which was comforting. The Mayor felt that there was a long way to go, but was confident that this council would accelerate its plan to help struggling families.
The Mayor celebrated, along with many Members of Parliament, Mayors and Councillors, Pakistan’s Independence Day and Defence Day. A debt of gratitude was owed to the Pakistan army, and its people who sacrificed many lives during the 20 years of war in Afghanistan. One of those who lost his life in battle was Captain Farhan Janjua, who was the son of the Mayor’s second cousin.
On 3 September 2023 the Mayor was joined Councillors Temperton and Cochrane for the Annual memorial service. The Mayor encouraged all Councillors to attend going forward. It was held annually on the first Sunday in September.
The Mayor attended the Fire and Rescue services award ceremony at the residence of Lord Lieutenant, James Puxly’s, Welford Estate. Bracknell watch based Manager Steven Borham, Crew manager Chris Marten and firefighter Stephen Blackman all received long service awards and Stacey Moyes from Crowthorne received the merit certificate. Bracknell also made it to the shortlist of white watch of the year.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor had opened four new businesses in Lexicon which would add to the economic growth and vibrancy of the town.
Tomorrow morning the Mayor would be joining the Wellness Team for a two mile walk in Lily Hill Park to encourage walking for physical wellbeing and mental health. |
To receive the Leader’s report on the work of the Executive since the Council meeting held on 12 July 2023.
Council is asked to resolve a recommendation in respect of:
· Revenue Expenditure Outturn Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor Temperton, presented the report on the work of the Executive since that reported at the Council meeting on 12 July 2023. The Executive had met once on the 18 July 2023.
The Leader highlighted the following matters that had been considered:
Finance and Business Change | Revenue Expenditure Outturn
· The outturn revenue expenditure for 2022/23, subject to audit, was £87.06m. · This represented an under-spend of £0.506m compared with the approved budget. · The Executive approved a budget carry forward of £0.036m. · The general reserves balance at 31 March 2023 was £11.077m, with none of the balance required to help fund the 2023/4 revenue budget. · Budget carry forwards of £0.036m were approved along with the earmarked reserves and virements relating to the 2022/23.
Finance and Business Change | Capital Expenditure Outturn 2022/23
· The projected capital programme outturn for 2022/23 of £23.701m, which was 40 per cent of the approved budget of £58.792m. · Carry forwards totalling £34.114m due to underspends were approved. · The council had an overall capital financing requirement of £220.1m as of 31 March 2023. · The actual level of borrowing at the end of March 2023 was £85m with investments of £15.8m, leaving a net debt of £69.2m compared with £36.5m last year.
Planning and Transport | High Street Multi Storey Car Park – Condition
· The Executive approved the planned closure of High Street Car Park at the end of October 2023 following the recommendation made by structural engineers. · The assistant director of property would engage with affected stakeholders. · The Executive also approved the plan for savings that would be released into expenditure budgets in the current year from the mid-year closure. · This would be used to fund decommissioning work, including putting up hoarding, securing the site, and commissioning pre and post decommissioning structural surveys. · The High Street Car Park site would be added to the Bracknell town centre southern gateway site masterplan area. Outline plans would be presented for consideration to the Executive in autumn 2023.
Councillor Barnard asked whether Shop Mobility had been consulted with and what work would be undertaken with them and also asked when the southern gateway site masterplan would be shared with Councillors.
Councillor Temperton confirmed that work was being undertaken with Shop Mobility to ensure that they would be still be accessible and that Councillors would be sighted on the southern gateway site masterplan as soon as it was available and would be able to have an input on the site.
Economic Development and Regeneration | Joint Venture Progress
· The Executive confirmed it would continue support for the Market Street development and agreed proposed changes to the council’s previously agreed position. · Changes included supporting a 10 per cent increase to the council’s 50 per cent contribution to the development costs, due to increased construction costs and rephasing of expenditure. · Authority would be delegated to the Assistant Director of Contract Services to enter into an agreement with the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership for required off-site car park provision. · The ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Standards Annual Report PDF 115 KB
To note the Standards outputs in 2022/23. Minutes: Council considered the report advising Council of activity within its Standards framework from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Climate Change Progress Report PDF 467 KB To note the progress made by the Council in relation to its Climate Change Strategy and detailed in the Annual Report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered considered the recommendations regarding the Climate Change Progress Report.
Councillor Haffegee asked a question in relation to scope 3 emissions which the report briefly touched on. Councillor Haffegee asked Councillor Temperton explain what scope 3 emissions were, why these were important, what levels of magnitude these were likely to be and whether there was anything to add further to the approach of assessing them.
Councillor Temperton responded that scope 1 was building and fleet and could be accessed by utility bills which was 1-2% of our emissions. Scope 2 was utilities, which was easy to measure and access. Scope 3 was the hard one, it was all the commission services by the council and included the travelling of staff to and from location, pension funds and purchasing of goods. This was a harder scope to actually measure and was the scope that needed to be got to grips with over the next year and officers had already started to look into how best to measure scope 3 right now.
On the proposition of Councillor Temperton, Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change and seconded by Councillor Purnell it was RESOLVED that Council note the progress made by the Council in relation to its climate change strategy and detailed in the Annual Report. |
Appointment to Committees and Council Meeting Dates PDF 78 KB To approve the appointment of councillors to vacant seats on committees and to approve a change to the 2023/2024 meetings schedule. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the recommendations regarding the Appointment to Committees and Council Meeting Dates.
An additional recommendation was proposed that Councillor Zahuruddin be appointed to the vacant Liberal Democrat seat on the Planning Committee.
On the proposition of Councillor Temperton, Leader and Executive Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change seconded by Councillor Barnard it was RESOLVED that:
i. Councillor Allen is appointed to the additional Bracknell Forest seat on the Joint Public Protection Committee, subject to the Executive agreeing to the increase of councillors on the committee at the Executive meeting on 19 September 2023.
ii. Councillor M Forster is appointed to the vacant Liberal Democrat seat on the Employment Committee.
iii. Councillor Zahuruddin is appointed to the vacant Liberal Democrat seat on the Planning Committee.
iv. That Councillor Barnard is appointed to one of the vacant seats on the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education.
v. That the following changes to the 2023/2024 meetings schedule are agreed:
· Wednesday 21 February 2024 – Budget Meeting · Wednesday 28 February 2024 – contingency date for adjourned budget Meeting · Thursday 7 March 2024 – ordinary council meeting
vi. That Part 4: Section 3 of the constitution is amended to reflect that the annual Budget Meeting will be a Special Meeting convened to agree the budget with a single item of business. |
Questions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10 PDF 58 KB (i) By Councillor Harrison to Councillor Purnell, Executive Member for the Environment and Community Cohesion
Would the Executive member responsible for liaison with community groups please update the Council on what they have done to ensure a viable future for the Jealotts Hill Community Landshare?
(ii) By Councillor Virgo to Councillor Wright, Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housing
Our sexual health provision is at crisis point. What urgent action will be taken to make it fit for purpose in our expanding town?
(iii) By Councillor P Thompson to Councillor Gillbe, Executive Member for Planning and Transport
Can the Executive Member give an update on this Council’s plans for this autumn, 2023, to repair the many potholes in public roads in Bracknell Forest Borough Council area [which are of great concern to many residents] and report to Council, each year, before winter?
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Harrison asked Councillor Purnell, Executive Member for Environment and Community Cohesion the following published question:
Would the Executive Member responsible for liaison with community groups please update the Council on what they have done to ensure a viable future for the Jealotts Hill Community Landshare?
In response, Councillor Purnell, Executive Member for Environment and Community Cohesion provided the following published response:
I agree with Councillor Harrison that the Jealotts Hill Community Landshare site is a valuable asset which has had a positive impact on a wide range of communities. Including people with mental, physical, and learning disabilities giving them an opportunity to work together in the fresh air, build their confidence, develop new skills and find support for their health and wellbeing.
A recently bereaved lady found a new way of life after visiting the site. “It’s a very special place,” she says. “I was a bit apprehensive and overwhelmed to start with but spending time at Jealott’s Hill and enjoying its fresh air, wildlife and flowers has helped me overcome my grief to some extent. Bereavement caused me to seek new friends and opportunities and here, that’s exactly what I get” This quote was taken from Royal Horitcultural Society website who call the project “An innovative community growing space…..a source of solace and new beginnings”
I don’t think there is a single person in this room or watching this meeting today who does not agree that every effort must be made to save this precious Landshare. I am working closely with council officers, the Friends of Jealotts Hill Community Landshare and partners to identify ways in which the Landshare can be sustained. The site is owned by Syngenta and has been leased to Silva Homes who have been the lead organisation in managing the Land share and employing the staff that work there. Silva Homes have given Syngenta notice on the lease and the site closed at the end of August to the public with activity since, focussed on tidying the site and handing it back to Syngenta at the end of September. Silva Homes have cited the ongoing financial liability for the operations of the site with decreased levels of use since the Covid pandemic and it not being aligned to their strategic priority to invest in the communities they operate in.
Since being made aware of the possible closure of the site the Council has had several meetings with Silva Homes including one with Syngenta to understand the issues, liabilities, and opportunities for sustaining the Landshare. The council’s Chief Executive has written to the Chief Executive’s of both Silva Homes and Syngenta to request a meeting and further discussion. I have also personally met with the Chair of the Friends of the Jealotts Hill Community Landshare to offer my support in trying to sustain the project. Options to sustain the Community Landshare include establishing a CIC (Community Interest Company) are being explored with the support of Involve Community Services. The Council has also ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Motions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 11 Motion 05/2023 moved by Councillor Temperton and seconded by Councillor Haffegee
This Council declares a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.
To that end, this Council invites the Executive to;
i. Resolve to review, broaden and accelerate its Climate Change Strategy, and to commit to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions as close to 2030 as possible.
ii. Co-produce with the community a Community Climate Emergency Strategy, with the aim of making the wider Bracknell Forest area net-zero as close to 2030 as possible.
iii. Explore the feasibility of raising a Bracknell Forest Local Climate Bond to support decarbonisation projects throughout the Borough.
iv. Revise the Biodiversity Action Plan to include audits of the State of Nature in the Borough and to highlight local biodiversity threats due to the Climate Change. Reports of these will be presented annually. Any expected ecological impacts will also be added to Executive and Council reports.
Motion 06/2023 moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor C Eberle
This Council recognises that it has some way to go in achieving its published values, particularly in terms of inclusivity, engaging with residents, and involving residents in important policy decisions. Council requests the Executive to report at a future meeting on efforts to enhance resident engagement, including practical measures aimed at improving working arrangements so as to give residents a stronger, genuine voice in the Council’s business.
Motion 07/2023 moved by Councillor Barnard and seconded by Councillor McLean
The Council continues to recognise and promote the vital importance of good emotional health and well-being for our residents, particularly but not exclusively for younger people, and commits to working with partner organisations and local communities to further improve awareness of advice, support and opportunities available to all to support this aim.
Furthermore, the council will work to ensure that promoting positive emotional well-being and mental health will underpin the objectives of the new Council Plan.
Minutes: Motion 05/2023
Motion 05/2023 was moved by Councillor Temperton and seconded by Councillor Haffegee respectively, as follows:
This Council declares a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
To that end, this Council invites the Executive to;
i. Resolve to review, broaden and accelerate its Climate Change Strategy, and to commit to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions as close to 2030 as possible.
ii. Co-produce with the community a Community Climate Emergency Strategy, with the aim of making the wider Bracknell Forest area net-zero as close to 2030 as possible.
iii. Explore the feasibility of raising a Bracknell Forest Local Climate Bond to support decarbonisation projects throughout the Borough.
iv. Revise the Biodiversity Action Plan to include audits of the State of Nature in the Borough and to highlight local biodiversity threats due to the Climate Change. Reports of these will be presented annually. Any expected ecological impacts will also be added to Executive and Council reports.
An addition was made to the motion by Councillor Temperton, and seconded by Councillor Haffegee, therefore the motion would read as follows:
This Council declares a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.
To that end, this Council invites the Executive to;
i. Resolve to review, broaden and accelerate its Climate Change Strategy, and to commit to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions as close to 2030 as possible.
ii. Co-produce with the community a Community Climate Emergency Strategy, with the aim of making the wider Bracknell Forest area net-zero as close to 2030 as possible.
iii. Both the strategies should be done so in a financially transparent way to demonstrate accountability, affordability and economic benefits, with clear interim, smart targets.
iv. Explore the feasibility of raising a Bracknell Forest Local Climate Bond to support decarbonisation projects throughout the Borough.
v. Revise the Biodiversity Action Plan to include audits of the State of Nature in the Borough and to highlight local biodiversity threats due to the Climate Change. Reports of these will be presented annually. Any expected ecological impacts will also be added to Executive and Council reports.
A recorded vote was called by Councillor M Forster on the motion and the voting was as follows:
FOR (34): Councillors Allen, Bailey, Barnard, Bidwell, Brown, Cochrane, Collings, C Eberle, T Eberle, Ejaz, M Forster, S Forster, Frewer, Frost, Gillbe, Haffegee, Hayes, Jefferies, Karim, McLean, Neil, O’Regan, Penfold, Purnell, Smith, Temperton, C Thompson, P Thompson, Virgo, Watts, Webb, Welch, Wright, Zahuruddin
AGAINST (0): None
ABSTAIN: (0): None
The motion was carried.
Motion 06/2023
Motion 06/2023 was moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor C Eberle respectively, as follows:
This Council recognises that it has some way to go in achieving its published values, particularly in terms of inclusivity, engaging with residents, and involving residents in important policy decisions. Council requests the Executive to report at a future meeting on efforts to enhance resident engagement, including practical measures aimed at improving working arrangements so as to give residents a stronger, genuine voice in the Council’s business.
On being put to the vote the motion ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |