To consider the introduction and removal of
disabled parking bays in various residential roads in Old
Bracknell, Harmans Water, Bullbrook, Crown Wood, Great Hollands
North & South, Binfield with Warfield and Hanworth
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Binfield with Warfield; Bullbrook; Crown Wood; Great Hollands North; Great Hollands South; Hanworth; Harmans Water; Old Bracknell;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/10/2019
Decision due: 6 Dec 2019 by Executive Member for Planning and Transport
Lead member: Executive Member for Planning and Transport
Lead director: Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration
Department: Place, Planning & Regeneration
Contact: Nick Rose, Highway Engineering Manager Email: Tel: 01344 351169.
Consultation process
Public notice
Local Members
Town and Parish Councils
Emergency Services
Local Bus Operators
Freight Transport Assoc and Road Haulage Assoc
Making Representations: In writing to the Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration.
Financial Impact: Within existing budget.