That the Executive recommends to the Council:
i. General Fund capital funding of £19.225m for 2020/21 in respect of those schemes listed in Annexes A – D of the Director:Finance’s report.
a) The inclusion of an additional budget of £1m for Invest to Save schemes.
b) The inclusion of £3.97m of expenditure to be funded from S106 and SANG as outlined in paragraph 5.15 of the Director:Finance’s report.
c) That those schemes that attract external grant funding are included within the Capital Programme at the level of funding received.
ii. Agrees that capital schemes that require external funding can only proceed once the Council is certain of receiving the grant.
iii. Confirms its support to investing land and cash to help secure development through a Property Joint Venture once it is established, noting that the financial parameters will be clearly set out in an initial Business Plan that will be approved by the Council later this year.