i) That the formal objections received during the statutory consultation process and the corresponding Officer comments arenoted;
ii) That the position regarding local ward Members comments received during the informal consultation process arenoted;
iii) Thatthe BoroughSolicitor beauthorised tomake theTraffic RegulationOrder in relation to the proposals detailed on the following plannumbers:
a) 5224/001 – Cunworth Court, Bracknell (AnnexA)
b) 5224002A – Eastern Road, Bracknell (AnnexA)
c) 5224/003 – Albert Walk, Crowthorne (AnnexA)
d) 5224/004 – Pondmoor Road, Bracknell (AnnexA)
e) 5224/005 – Fernbank Road, Winkfield (AnnexA)
f) 5224/006A – Sparrowhawk Way, Bracknell (AnnexA)
g) 5224/007 – Popeswood Road, Binfield (AnnexA)
h) 5224/008 – Sandy Lane, Bracknell (AnnexA)
i) 5224/009 – Holly Spring Lane, Warfield (AnnexA)
j) 5224/010 – Simmonds Close, Binfield (AnnexA)
k) 5224/011 – Worlds End Hill, Winkfield (AnnexA)
l) 5224/012 – Forest Road, Binfield (AnnexA)
m) 5224/013 – Staplehurst, Bracknell (AnnexA)
n) 5211/006 – Badgers Way, Bracknell (AnnexA)