Issue - decisions

2010-11 Revenue and Capital In Year Reduction to Government Grant Funding

19/10/2010 - 2010-11 Revenue and Capital In Year Reduction to Government Grant Funding

1          That the savings arising from the in-year revenue grant reductions be agreed and the virements identified in Annex B be recommended to Full Council.


2          That the confirmed reductions in capital grants that amount to £2.332m be agreed (paragraph 5.6);


3          That the 2010-11 Environment, Culture and Communities Capital Programme be reduced by £0.283m across the projects summarised at paragraph 5.6.2 be agreed;


4          That the 2010-11 Children, Young People and Learning capital programme be reduced by £2.049m, across the projects summarised at Table 1 (paragraph 5.6.8)be agreed;


5          That the absence of an alternative funding source being identified, any reduction in grant funding applied against the Kennel Lane Special School project in 2010-11 be considered for inclusion in the 2011-12 capital programme (paragraph 5.6.7) be agreed;


6          That the 2010-11 capital programme be amended to reflect more up to date information on external funding, as summarised in Table 2 (paragraph 5.6.11) and Annex C be agreed;


7          That the changes to the detailed Action Plans associated with the in-year savings summarised in paragraph 5.9 be noted.