That the Environment and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations:
1. To introduce the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) as a new standard from January 2023:
• To provide appropriate officers with training, ensuring they become accredited.?
• To encourage other appropriate officers to participate in becoming accredited where practical and where resource is available.
2. To introduce an allocation process where a team or officer is assigned as the lead for the duration of an enforcement case by November 2022.
3. To develop enforcement strategies encouraging greater collaboration across services and with partners, this being an ongoing process but with an update on its progress in 12 months’ time, recognising that progress may be impacted by the outcomes of the Panel’s upcoming review of the Council’s enforcement strategies.
4. To run regular educational and awareness campaigns on enforcement policies and activities for residents, including information campaigns on the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme as it is introduced, with good enforcement being publicised and celebrated, particularly when it involves a joint working approach.
be accepted.