The Partnership Forum represents the range of agencies that share responsibility for the successful delivery of the plan. It is an important forum to enable partners to influence policy, strategy and planning, to give and share information, discuss progress and developments, and evaluate the impact of the plan on the outcomes and opportunities for our children, young people and families.
Terms of Reference Children and Young People’s Partnership Forum
· The Forum will share responsibility for the successful delivery of the plan. It is an important forum to enable partners to influence policy, strategy and planning, to give and share information, discuss progress and developments, and evaluate the impact of the plan on the outcomes and opportunities for our children, young people and families.
· The Forum will support development of key partnership plans, in particular the Children and Young People’s Plan and linked plans and strategies.
· The Forum will receive important information on national and local developments.
· The Forum will enable networking and information sharing across all partner and stakeholder organisations. This will include the involvement of the Youth Council and other groups of young people, who may be encouraged to participate through attendance, or running some of the presentation / sessions.
· The Forum will meet 3 times per year.
Its responsibilities are to:
1 |
Support the delivery of the shared vision and desired outcomes for children and young people in Bracknell Forest and work collaboratively under Section 10 [Duty to Cooperate] of the Children Act 2004
To monitor and review the Children and Young People’s Plan |
3 |
Work in partnership to implement a joint commissioning framework, pooling of budgets where appropriate. Including effective use of resources.
4 |
Monitor the impact of the effectiveness of services and receive reports on the impact, outcomes and improvements for children and young people.
5 |
Ensure that all service delivery meets the requirements of Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 in relation to safeguarding.
6 |
Work collaboratively to support integrated workforce development.
Membership of the Children and Young People’s Partnership Forum
The list below is not exclusive and will be amended / updated as the new structure develops.
Lead Member for Children and Young People
Executive Member for Education
Leader of the Opposition or representative (elected member)
Director Children Young People and Learning
Chief Officer - Children’s Social Care
Chief Adviser – Learning and Achievement
Youth Offending Service Manager
Head Teacher / Schools Representative
Environment and Leisure Representative
Housing Needs
Asst Director Children and Young People Berkshire East Community Health Services
Assistant Director Commissioning NHS Berkshire East
Community Paediatrician, Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead PCT
Assistant Director Public Health
Representative of the Voluntary Sector Forum
Representative of Bracknell Forest Voluntary Action [BFVA]
Representative/s of Bracknell Forest Youth Council
Independent Chair LSCB
LSCB Business Manager
Connexions Manager
Successor to Learning and Skills Council
TVP Local Area Commander or representative
FE College Representative
Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service
Job Centre Plus |
Early Years and Childcare Manager
Children and Families Manager [Access and Inclusion]
Principal Educational Psychologist
Head of Integrated Youth Service
Head of Service, Safeguarding
Head of Services Learning Difficulties and Disability
Head of Service, Looked After Children
Extended Services Manager
Bracknell Forest Homes |
Support officer: Amanda Roden.