Agenda item

Application No 21/00024/LB - Binfield House, Terrace Road North, Binfield

Application for Listed Building Consent for refurbishment and conversion of Binfield House into 9 retirement apartments incorporating internal and external alterations and erection of new buildings containing 9 retirement dwellings, following demolition of existing single storey buildings, together with associated parking and landscaping.


Application for Listed Building Consent for refurbishment and conversion of Binfield House into 9 retirement apartments incorporating internal and external alterations.


The Committee noted:

·        The supplementary report tabled at the meeting

·        The comments of Binfield Parish Council recommending refusal as detailed in the agenda.

·        The 1 letter raising objection to the Listed Building application.

·        The 1 letter of support given for the Listed Building application.

·        The 3 letters of objection as detailed in the supplementary report.


RECOMMENDED that the Assistant Director: Planning APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Assistant Director: Planning considers necessary: -


01. The works hereby approved shall be begun before the expiry of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


02. The works hereby approved shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans:-


3607.P.111 F Proposed Floor Plans

3607.P.112 C Proposed Elevations

Heritage Statement (Updated May 21)


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


03.  The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in a proper workmanlike manner appropriate to the age and character of the building and using traditional materials and techniques except where the use of modern materials and techniques have specifically been approved by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with the requirements of policy.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy CS1]


04.    All new works, and works of making good to the retained fabric, whether internal or external, shall be finished to match existing, original or adjacent work (as deemed appropriate by the Local Planning Authority) with regard to the methods used and to materials, colours, textures and profiles.


REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with the requirements of policy.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy CS1]


05. All existing internal decoration features, including plaster work, ironwork, fireplaces, doors, windows, staircases, staircase balustrade and other woodwork, shall remain undisturbed in their existing position, and shall be fully protected during the course of works on site unless expressly specified in the approved drawings.


REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with the requirements of policy.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy CS1]


06. The following, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the relevant part of the work is begun:

a) Sample facing bricks to be used in repair of areas of brickwork and new brickwork where applicable.


REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with the requirements of policy.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy CS1]


07. No related works shall be carried out unless further drawings showing the retention of the ground-floor doors to Plot 13 at a scale of not less than 1:20 and including elevation, plan and section details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out as approved and thereafter retained.


REASON: The submitted drawings are inadequate in this matter and further information is needed in order to protect and preserve the character of the listed building


08. No works shall be undertaken until details of the methods of providing insulation to the walls, floors and windows frames, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with the requirements of policy.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy CS1]


09. No new or replacement windows or doors shall be inserted in the building unless further details at a scale of not less than 1:20 and including elevation, plan and section details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out as approved and thereafter retained.


REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with the requirements of policy.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy CS1]





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