Agenda item

Progress report

To note progress in the delivery of the re3 Joint Waste PFI Contract.


The Board received a report briefing them on the progress in the delivery of the re3 Joint waste PFI Contract. The report covered:


·         General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

·         Re3GROW Compost

·         Marketing and Communications Review


The Board was advised that:


  • The form of words for GDPR which had been proposed by Wokingham Borough Council had been shared with colleagues in Bracknell Forest, Reading and FCC. Due to the work load of the three councils legal teams, it had been advised that re3s legal advisors be engaged to support he councils in ensuring that the re3 PFI contact was amended to support compliance with GDPR. It was expected that the wording wouldn’t change a great deal, if at all. This was a good example of the three councils working together.


  • The Data Privacy Notice had been reviewed and amended accordingly. This had been circulated with data protection colleagues in each of the three councils and would also be circulated with Board Members.


  • GDPR would be launched on the 25 May 2018, Oliver Burt was unsure if the full contract would be amended by then, however the processes in place were compliant.


  • The bags or re3Grow compost had arrived, these would be sold by the meet and great teams at the re3 sites. The meet and greet team had been briefed and a FAQ had been produced which would be shared with the Board Members. The cost of a bag would be £3.50 which would cover the full cost with no loss or profit being made. A multi bag offer may be put in place, but this wouldn’t undercut the market.


  • The selling of the compost bags would be announced by press release after the local elections on the 4 May, which would be prior to the May Bank Holiday weekend. There would also be signage at both Longshot Lane and Smallmead and a full social media campaign.


  • The compost bags would be paid for at the entrance of both sites and then collected when the purchaser had emptied their recycling they would collect the bags on exit at Smallmead and near the bag splitting area at Longshot.


  • Concerns were raised about Longshot as this was a smaller and tighter site. There had been recent issues with customers waiting on the ramp as they couldn’t see if there was free spaces. This had been brought up with the contractor who was looking to resolve the issue.


  • If the compost bags were a success Members suggested that they plan ahead for next year and market them to local supermarkets to sell and look into the possibility of them being sold at other council owned outlets, such as allotments.


  • As the bags were composted in Sutton Courtney, there was a disclaimer on the bags to say that it wasn’t only made up of re3 garden waste.


  • Recycling of Pots, Tubs, Trays and Cartons had been launched in February and a pack consisting of two leaflets and a letter had been sent to all residents. The communications had been well received and feedback had been positive. There had also been a successful social media campaign.


  • The arrangements for recycling re3 plastics within the UK had been extended from 6 to 12 months.


  • The introduction of the new recycling materials had been a great example of the JWDB working well together.


  • It was noted that Wokingham residents could request additional recycling boxes. These did not have lids. There was an issue with paper and card getting wet which was currently being looked into. A large number of additional boxes had been issued in January and February and people were being encouraged to put paper and cardboard in their bottom box. The re3 Marketing and Communications Officer  would work with Wokingham to help with their coms.


  • It was expected that detailed data including the new recycling materials would be issued in May which would be shared with officers and brought to the Board in July.


  • Data regarding individual councils contaminated recycling amounts was included within the reports.


  • The re3 communication activities for 2018 had been reviewed and planned following meetings with the respective waste collection teams at the re3 councils. In the course of delivering the activities for 2018, the re3 Marketing and Communications Officer would work closely with the respective waste collection teams, including scheduling work alongside them in the respective offices.


  • Caroline Pragnell from College Town Junior School had attended Bracknell Forests Full Council and gave an excellent presentation on the work she had been doing in the school. It was suggested that perhaps Caroline could help put a pack together for schools which could be used across the three boroughs.


  • To date 50 groups had registered for the glass bottle campaign. The re3 Marketing and Communications Officer had attending a school assembly where the campaign was launched and promoted.


  • A completion was in place to suggest names for the new glass recycling trucks, this had national website and radio coverage.


  • It was requested that coms be considered for those people who don’t drive or live near a recycling centres.


  • Two amendments had been made to the Marketing and Communication Plan 2018.


  • The coms for food waste minimisation was already under way.



      i.        Members noted the contents of the report.


     ii.        Members approved the recommendation at 6.4 of the report to offer a multi-buy offer on re3grow compost,



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