Agenda item

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


The meeting began with a discussion of the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. The Chair opened the floor for comments or corrections on the minutes.


A member raised a query regarding paragraph 262, specifically the second-to-last paragraph concerning the update about the Watersplash Lane connection. The minutes reference the plan to join up Watersplash Lane with a permissive bridleway through the top end of Larks Hill. The member expressed confusion and asked if there were plans for a permissive bridleway through Lark’s Hill. The member was only aware that there was going to be a permissive bridleway across Priory Field, to link up with Hedge Lane, off Priory Lane.


Another member explained that there had been discussions with a member of the planning team over horse riders along Watersplash Lane having access to a Pegsasus crossing across the road and into Priory Field. Plan is to take a bridleway along the bottom of Priory Field into Priory Lane.


To discuss the matter with the planning team. To update members at the next meeting and if/where necessary update this reference in the last meeting minutes.

(Action: Rose Wicks)


The Chair moved on to discuss matters arising from the previous meeting: The Chair mentioned that the action points from the last meeting had been summarised and circulated.


They addressed item 263 regarding the Rights of Way Improvement Plan and noted that the Member's interest list was being updated and would be circulated for further updates. 

The Chair talked about the action around the closure of the footbridge at Shepherd Meadows and of Hampshire Footpath 505.  QR codes had been added to the posters. They discussed the progress on the new bridge and highlighted the positive feedback received.

Work was underway to secure the budget and experienced contractors were involved in the bridge project. This was a long-term project, and updates would be provided at the next meeting. There was mention of a capital bid to replace the bridge, and planning would commence after confirmation.


Concerns were raised about the illegal closure of West End Lane, The Chair noted that there was confusion about whether it was a highway. They stated that they would follow up with highways and acknowledged that there were concerns about the issue.

(Action: Rose Wicks)


The Chair also discussed a site visit for Members, which had not been arranged but would be in the future.


Invitations were extended to The Crown Estate, and Stuart's presence at the meeting was acknowledged.


The Chair reported on the definitive map consolidation, including the website link for the Council's definitive map. The Chair encouraged Members to use the interactive map, which allows them to explore the borough's rights of way. Members were informed that different maps were available for their use. The Chair offered to resend the link if needed.


There was an update on the Appendix 2, which focused on new rights of way to improve accessibility to the countryside.


An officer pointed out errors in the invite list on the agenda, which would be corrected. The Chair concluded the meeting by confirming that no one had been deleted from the invite list.


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