Agenda item

Minutes and Matters Arising

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Forum on 13 January 2022 be approved as a correct record.


Arising from minute 218, Paul Clark advised that all new documents published relating to the Local Plan would reflect the new data.  The Chair highlighted that the strategic document was due to be presented to the Forum at this meeting and queried why it was not on the agenda.  Chris Hilliard replied that there had been delays to that report, partly due to reflecting on feedback from primary headteachers.  The report was due to be taken to the Executive in April 2022 and would be presented to the Forum in June 2022.


Action: Cheryl Eyre


The Chair asked whether there would be consultation with headteachers on the Forum before the report is taken to the Executive.  Chris Hilliard replied that he would reflect on that and discuss with Councillor Barnard the way forward as he needed to ensure due process was followed.  Chris Hilliard requested that the School Places Plan and Capacity Strategy be added as an agenda Item for the meeting of the Forum in June 2022. 


Action: Derek Morgan


The Chair expressed his disappointment that the Forum would not receive an update on the strategy for managing the High Needs Block (HNB) Budget and support provided to pupils at this meeting; whilst some detail would be shared under Item 5, the Chair felt this was not enough and that there would therefore be six months between detailed updates.  The Forum asked whether the delay to the meeting in June would impact any decisions made by the Forum.  Paul Clark replied that the financial plans were in the process of being finalised based on current information and assumptions but if something emerges that needed amending then there are procedures to reconsider those points during the year.  For council budgets, such as the capital programme, these have been approved by the Council and were not expected to change. 


In respect of the School Places Plan and Capacity Strategy, the Forum noted that the headteachers had co-produced letters in their locality clusters and asked when there would be a response.  Chris Hilliard replied that communication was sent out to headteachers on 18 February 2022, but he would be happy to resend. 


Arising from minute 219, the Chair highlighted the discussion during the last meeting regarding early years sufficiency and the concern raised by Sue Butler that private and voluntary sector (PVI) providers were not getting additional funding in the same way as schools.  The Chair requested an update from Councillor Barnard as to any follow-up action he has taken.  Councillor Barnard confirmed he wrote to the MPs for Bracknell and for Windsor and has also made joint representation to the Department for Education (DfE) requesting the reasons for the discrepancy and asking what the DfE thinks the impact would be on the PVI sector.  Councillor Barnard had yet to receive a reply. 


Arising from minute 221, Keith Grainger confirmed that progress had been made relating to the Garth Hill College capital project and there has been good communication with Chris Taylor since the last Forum meeting. 

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