Terms of
The Overview and Scrutiny
Commission shall:
(i) Develop
a four-year strategic work programme (Overview
and scrutiny work programme | Bracknell Forest Council
(bracknell-forest.gov.uk)) aligned to the
Council Plan following input from scrutiny members, the Executive,
Corporate Management Team, partners and the public, ensuring that
it is flexible enough to accommodate urgent short-term
(ii) Co-ordinate
the work of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels to make the best use
of available resources which will include allocating topics to
Panels and agreeing the scope of activity.
(iii) Commission Panels to
undertake deep dive reviews and support focussed policy
development, chaired by the relevant chairman or
vice-chairman. Their size and duration
will be dependent on the activity.
(iv) Receive findings and
recommendations from Panel chairmen in respect of their
Panel’s scrutiny activity, for consideration and referral to
the Executive or other decision-maker as appropriate.
(v) Prioritise
scrutiny activity to ensure that the overview and scrutiny function
concentrates on the delivery of work of genuine value and relevant
to the work of the Council.
(vi) Discharge the
Council’s crime and disorder responsibilities.
(vii) Discharge strategic health
(viii) Manage call-in.
(ix) Review the policy
(x) Scrutinise the
budget proposals.
(xi) Hold the Executive
to account for performance within the Corporate Performance
Overview Report (CPOR).