Venue: Council Chamber - Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD. View directions
Contact: Hannah Harding 01344 352308
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 22 July 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes meeting held on 18 July 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.
Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.
Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting. There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent Items of Business Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |
Structure for vehicle washing and valeting, including related drainage Minutes: Structure for vehicle washing and valeting, including related Drainage
The Committee noted: • The supplementary report tabled at the meeting. • The comments of Binfield Parish Council letters objecting to the proposal as summarised in the agenda. • The 10 letters of objection as summarised in the agenda. • The representations of the public speaker at the meeting.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as necessary:
01. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: Site Location Plan - Received 08.09.20 Site Plan - Received 08.09.20 Drainage Details - Received 08.09.20 Roof Plan and Elevations (002/A) - Received 08.09.20 Karcher Washer Specifications - Received 17.03.22 Activity Noise Assessment - Received 08.07.22 REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.
02. The operating hours of the structure hereby permitted shall be limited to the following times: 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday 09:00 - 12:00 Saturday And no operation at any time on Sundays or public holidays. REASON: In the interests of the amenity of residents. [Relevant plans and policies: BFBLP EN20, CSDPD CS7]
03. The structure hereby permitted shall only be used in an ancillary capacity to the car dealership known as Jemca Toyota. REASON: An independent use would require additional parking and access.
04. Within one month of the date of this permission the noise control measures set out in activity noise assessment (Syntegra, June 2022, ref: 22-9315 rev A), submitted with the application, shall be implemented and maintained as such. Vehicle cleaning shall only take place within the bay structure hereby permitted. REASON: To protect occupiers of nearby premises from noise
05. All plant, machinery and equipment installed or operated in connection with the carrying out of this permission shall be enclosed and/or attenuated so that noise therefrom does not exceed at any time the noise rating level of 44dB LAR,T when measured in accordance with BS4142:2014 at a point one metre external to the nearest residential or noise sensitive property REASON: In the interests of the amenity of residents.
06. The on-site mirror shall be kept clean and clear of all obstructions to enable adequate visibility for vehicles accessing and exiting the vehicle washing and valeting structure. REASON: To protect the occupants of nearby residential properties from noise generated by use of vehicle horns.
Submission of reserved matters application to outline planning permission 17/01174/OUT for the approval of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to the erection of 40 dwellings including 10 affordable dwellings, together with the provision of parking, landscaping and drainage attenuation features, with access from Tilehurst Lane. Minutes: Submission of reserved matters application to outline planning permission 17/01174/OUT for the approval of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to the erection of 40 dwellings including 10 affordable dwellings, together with the provision of parking, landscaping and drainage attenuation features, with access from Tilehurst Lane.
The Committee noted:
· The representations from Binfield Parish Council as detailed in the agenda. · The 9 representations as summarised in the agenda.
RESOLVED that he application to be APPROVED subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as necessary:-
01. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority : Site Plan 212-105-P9 Site Plan - GF Plans 212-106 P7 Affordable Housing P6 212-207 P2 Adoption Plan 212-208 P2 Plot 1 Plans 212-P201 119 Plot 1 Elevations 212-P202 Plot 2 Plans 212-P203 Plot 2 Elevations 212-P204 Plot 3 Plans 212-P205A Plot 3 Elevations 212-P206 Plot 4 Plans 212-P207 Plot 4 Elevations 212-P208 Plot 5 Plans 212-P209 Plot 5 Elevations 212-P210A Plot 6 Plans 212-P211 Plot 6 Elevations 212-P212 Plot 7 Plans 212-P213 Plot 7 Elevations 212-P214 Plots 8 and 9 Plans 212-P215 Plots 8 and 9 Elevations 212-P216 Plots 10 and 11 Plans 212-P217 Plots 10 and 11 Elevations 212-P218 Plot 12 Plans 212-P219 Plot 12 Elevations 212-P20 Plot 13 Plans 212-P221 Plot 13 Elevations 212-P222 Plot 14 Plans 212-P223 Plot 14 Elevations 212-P224 Plot 15 Plans 212-P225 Plot 15 Elevations 212-P226 Plots 16 and 17 Plans 212-P227 Plots 16 and 17 Elevations 212-P228 Plot 18 Plans 212-P229 Plot 18 Elevations 212-P230 Plots 19, 20 and 21 Plans 212-P231 Plots 19, 20 and 21 Elevations 212-P232 Plots 22 and 23 Plans 212-P233 Plots 22 and 23 Elevations 212-P234 Plots 24 and 25 Plans 212-P235 Plots 24 and 25 Elevations 212-P236 Plot 26 Plans 212-P237 Plot 26 Elevations 212-P238 Plot 27 Plans 212-P239 Plot 27 Elevations 212-P240 Plot 28 Plans 212-P241 Plot 28 Elevations 212-P242 Plot 29 Plans 212-P243 Plot 29 Elevations 212-P244 Plot 30 Plans 212-P245 Plot 30 Elevations 212-P246A Plots 31, 32 and 33 Plans 212-P247 Plots 31, 32 and 33 Elevations 212-P248A Plots 34 - 40 Plans 212-P249 Plots 34 - 40 Elevations 212-P250 Plots 34 - 40 Elevations 212-P251 Garage Plot 1 212-P252 Garage Plot 2 212-P253 Garage Plot 3 212-P254 Garage Plot 4 212-P255 Garage Plots 5 and 6 212-P256 Garage Plot 13 212-P257 Garage Plot 14 212-P258 Garage Plot 26 212-P259 Garage Plot 27 212-P260 Garage Plot 28 212-P261 Garage Plot 29 212-P262 Garage Plot 30 212-P263 Plot/Swale Interface Cross Sections ES.20.057 P1 Hard Landscape Proposals and Boundary Treatments Sheet 1 of 2 GL1701 03D Hard Landscape Proposals and Boundary Treatments Sheet 2 of 2 GL1701 04D Soft Landscape Proposals Sheet 1 of 2 GL1701 01D Soft Landscape Proposals Sheet 2 of 2 GL1701 02D 06.03 P1 Junction Visibility Splay Layout 06.04 P3 Electric Vehicle Charging Point Layout REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |
Details pursuant to Conditions 04 (Finished Floor Levels), 11 (Site Organisation), 12 (Working Method Statement), 14 (Biodiversity Enhancements), 23 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 24 (Drainage Strategy) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT (Appeal Ref: APP/R0335/W/19/3228697). Minutes: Details pursuant to Conditions 04 (Finished Floor Levels), 11 (Site Organisation), 12 (Working Method Statement), 14 (Biodiversity Enhancements), 23 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 24 (Drainage Strategy) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT (Appeal Ref: APP/R0335/W/19/3228697).
The Committee noted:
· The supplementary report tabled at the meeting. · The letters of representation as summarised in the agenda. · The additional 3 letters of representation as detailed in the supplementary report.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED on the basis of the following details:
Condition 04: Finished Floor Levels ES20.057 -11.11P6 levels and Contours Sheet 1 ES20.057 -11.12P6 levels and Contours Sheet 2
Conditions 11 and 12 Site Organisation and Working Method Statement: Construction Environmental Management Plan and Method Statement Rev B2 dated August 2022
Condition 14: Biodiversity Enhancements Biodiversity Enhancements Plan 23rd May 2022
Condition 23 and 24 Drainage: ES20.057-11.01 P7 Drainage Layout Sheet 1 ES20.057-11.02 P8 Drainage Layout Sheet 2 Drainage Modelling Information contained in email from Matthew Huggon dated 29.06.2022 Basin and Swale Plan inc. Wildlife Kerb Detail ES.20.057 17.00 P2 Surface water Catchment Plan ES20.057 04.05 P3 Flood Exceedance Routing Layout ES20.057 13.21 P2 Hydrobrake Detail ES20.057-400.4-P3 Private Drainage Construction Details ES20.057 41.00 P1 Longitudinal Sections Sheet 1 ES20.057 12.01 P3 Longitudinal Sections Sheet 2 ES20.057 12.02 P1
22/00003/FUL 121 College Road, College Town, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 0RD PDF 3 MB Revised scheme for erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory and installation of two air conditioning units. Minutes: This application was deferred. |
Details pursuant to Conditions 20 (Energy Demand Assessment) and Condition 21 (Water Efficiency) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT.
Minutes: Details pursuant to Conditions 20 (Energy Demand Assessment) and Condition 21 (Water Efficiency) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT.
The Committee noted:
· The supplementary report tabled at the meeting. · No representations have been received in respect of the submitted application.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED on the basis of the following details:
Condition 20 (Energy Demand Assessment): Energy Strategy Statement dated March 2022 prepared by Briary Energy Details of Daikin Altherma 3 Air Source Heat Pump Applicant's emails of 12-08-2022 and 15-08-2022 confirming siting of Air Source Heat Pumps
Condition 21 (Water Efficiency):
Plots 1 - 40 Part G Water Calculation received by the Local Planning Authority on 15th February 2022
Detail pursuant to conditions 10 (cycle parking) and 17 (street lighting) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT
Minutes: Detail pursuant to conditions 10 (cycle parking) and 17 (street lighting) of planning permission 17/01174/OUT
The Committee noted:
· The supplementary report tabled at the meeting. · That no representations had been received in respect of the application.
RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED on the basis of the following details:
Conditions 10 (Cycle Parking):
Cycle Parking Plan 219-109 P2
Condition 17 (External Lighting Scheme):
2482-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13001-S3-PO6 Lighting Layout 2482-DFL-HLG-XX-CA-EO-13001-S3-P04 Layout Report 2482-DFL-HLG-XX-RP-EO-13001-S3-P03 Project Report and Designer Notes 2482-DFL-HLG-XX-DR-EO-13002-S2-PO3 Lighting Layout (ISO Lux Contours) Pharola Bollard Luminaire Specification Sheet