Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 15 June 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD. View directions

Contact: Hannah Harding  01344 352308

Link: This meeting will be a Hybrid meeting


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 20 April and 24 May 2023.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2023 and the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 24 May 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.


Councillor O’Regan declared an Affected interest in respect of Item 6 (22/01047/FUL Land North Of Newhurst Gardens, Newhurst Gardens, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 6AW) and would withdraw from the meeting for the item.


Inderjit Bhatti, Senior Assistant Lawyer (Planning), declared an interest in Item 11 (23/00097//FUL Acre House, 12 Broom Acres, Sandhurst, Berkshire GU47 8PW) as the applicant was a family member. It was noted that she would withdraw from the meeting for the item.


Urgent Items of Business

Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent.


There were no urgent items of business.


Application No 22/00613/FUL - Land to the rear of Oak Tree Nursery, Cocks Lane, Warfield pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Change of use of land and building from agricultural to vehicle repairs and servicing.


Change of Use of land and building from Agricultural to Vehicle Repairs and Servicing


The Committee noted:


·       The supplementary report tabled at the meeting.

·       The comments from Winkfield Parish Council as detailed in the report.

·       The 22 objections received as summarised in the agenda.

·       The 10 letters of support received as summarised in the agenda.

·       The 2 additional objections received as summarised in the supplementary report.

·       That a site visit had taken place on 10 June 2023, with the following

Councillors in attendance: Councillors Brown, Egglestone, Hayes MBE, Smith, and Virgo.


A motion to REFUSE the recommendation in the officer report was proposed but

not seconded.


Therefore, an alternative motion to APPROVE the application was proposed and

seconded, and on being put to the vote was CARRIED.


RESOLVED that application 22/00613/FUL be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON:  To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority: 


Drawing. Location plan received 14 July 2022

Drawing. NK4WD - Site Layout Plan received 14 July 2022

Drawing. NKJH/ELVOT/02 received 7 October 2022

Drawing. NKJH/FPOT/02 received 7 October 2022


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


3. The use (including operational hours and deliveries) hereby permitted shall be restricted to the following times:


08.00 hours - 18.00 hours Monday to Fridays;

08.30 hours - 13.00 hours Saturdays;

And not at all on Sundays and public/bank holidays.


REASON: In the interests of the amenities of the occupiers of nearby residential properties.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, EN25]


4. All plant, machinery and equipment installed or operated in connection with the use hereby approved shall be enclosed and/or attenuated such that the rating level therefrom does not exceed the existing background noise level when measured in accordance with BS4142:2014 (or any subsequent revision).

REASON: In the interests of the amenities of the occupiers of nearby residential properties.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, EN25]


5. The building and land within the application site shall be used solely for the repair, maintenance, and servicing of vehicles, (including trailers and horse boxes) and no other purposes (including any other purpose in Class B of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, (or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification).

REASON: In the interests of the Green Belt, visual amenities of the area, residential amenities of neighbouring properties and highway safety.

[Relevant Policies: CSDPD CS9, CS23, BFBLP EN20, EN25, GB1, GB4]


6. The repair/servicing of vehicles shall not take place anywhere within the application site except within the building connected to the use hereby permitted. All doors, roller shutter doors and windows on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


PS Application No 22/01047/FUL - Land north of Newhurst Gardens, Newhurst Gardens, Warfield pdf icon PDF 784 KB

Section 73 application to vary conditions 4, 6 and 7 of planning permission 16/01004/OUT for the erection of up to 50 residential units and associated works. 


Section 73 application to vary condition 4, 6 and 7 of planning permission 16/01004/OUT for the erection of up to 50 residential units and associated works. [For clarification this application seeks permission to change the access arrangements for the development].


The Committee noted:


·       The supplementary report tabled at the meeting.

·       The comments from Winkfield Parish Council objecting to the application as detailed in the report.

·       The 21 objections received as summarised in the agenda.

·       The additional objection received as summarised in the supplementary report.

·       The representations of the two public speakers at the meeting.


The Committee deferred the item following the request of further information.



Application No 22/00868/FUL - 34 The Broadway, Sandhurst pdf icon PDF 822 KB

Proposed erection of a two-storey, four bedroom dwelling with associated garden, parking area and vehicular access from Gibbons Close.


Proposed erection of a two-storey, four bedroom dwelling with associated garden, parking area and vehicular access from Gibbons Close.


The Committee noted:


·       The supplementary report tabled at the meeting.

·       That Sandhurst Town Council offered no objection.

·       The 5 objections, 3 support letters and a general comment received as summarised in the agenda.

·       That a site visit had taken place on 10 June 2023, with the following

Councillors in attendance: Councillors Brown, Egglestone, Smith and Zahuruddin


Following the completion of planning obligation(s) under Section 106 of the Town and

Country Planning Act 1990 relating to the following measures;


- avoidance and mitigation of the impact of residential development upon the Thames

Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA);


RESOLVED that the Assistant Director: Planning be authorised to APPROVE the application 22/00868/FUL subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Assistant Director: Planning considers necessary:


01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three

years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act



02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with

the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 7th

November 2022 and 30th March 2023:

PL-02-02 (revision F) received 7th November 2022

PL-02-03 (revision D) received 7th November 2022

PL-02-04 (revision B) received 30th March 2023

PL-02-01 (revision H) received 30th March 2023

REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the

Local Planning Authority.


03. No structure hereby permitted shall be built above existing ground level until

samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of

the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved by the

Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with

the approved details.

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]


04. The protective fencing and other protection measures set out in the Arboricultural

Assessment and Tree Protection Plan received 4th January 2023 shall be erected

and implemented in full prior to the commencement of any development works,

including any initial clearance, and shall be maintained fully intact and (in the case

of the fencing) upright, in its approved locations at all times, until the completion of

all building operations on the site. No activity of any description must occur at any

time within these areas including but not restricted to the following: -

a) No mixing of cement or any other materials;

b) No storage or disposal of any soil, building materials, rubble, machinery, fuel,

chemicals, liquids waste residues or materials/debris of any other description;

c) No installation of any temporary structures of any description including site

office/sales buildings, temporary car parking facilities, portable-toilets, storage

compounds or hard standing areas of any other description;

d) No soil/turf-stripping; raising or lowering of existing levels; excavation or

alterations to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Application No 22/00898/FUL - 45 Forest End Road, Sandhurst pdf icon PDF 838 KB

Proposed erection of two storey front extension with enlarged dormer, rear single storey extension including garage conversion into habitable accommodation and loft conversion with rear dormer.


Proposed erection of two storey front extension with enlarged dormer, rear single storey extension including garage conversion into habitable accommodation and loft conversion with rear dormer.


The Committee noted:


·       The supplementary report tabled at the meeting.

·       The comments from Sandhurst Town Council objecting to the proposal as detailed in the report.

·       The 2 objections received as summarised in the agenda.

·       That a site visit had taken place on 10 June 2023, with the following

Councillors in attendance: Councillors Brown, Egglestone, Smith and Zahuruddin.


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three

years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(as amended).


02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans: GA.01, GA.02 and GA.05 received on 15/11/2022 and

GA.03/08 and GA.04/08 received on 24/05/2023.

REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the

Local Planning Authority.


03. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the

development hereby permitted shall be of similar appearance to those of the existing


REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.


04. The protective fencing and other protection measures identified within the

Arboricultural Assessment Report and Compliant Tree Survey, produced by Watts

Consulting, dated December 2022, shall be erected prior to the commencement of

any development works, including any initial clearance, and shall be maintained fully

intact and (in the case of the fencing) upright, in its approved locations at all times,

until the completion of all building operations on the site. No activity of any description must occur at any time within these areas including but not restricted to the following:


a) No mixing of cement or any other materials.

b) Storage or disposal of any soil, building materials, rubble, machinery, fuel,

chemicals, liquids waste residues or materials/debris of any other description.

c) Siting of any temporary structures of any description including site office/sales

buildings, temporary car parking facilities, porta-loos, storage compounds or

hard standing areas of any other description.

d) Soil/turf stripping, raising/lowering of existing levels, excavation or alterations

to the existing surfaces/ ground conditions of any other description.

e) Installation/siting of any underground services, temporary or otherwise

including; drainage, water, gas, electricity, telephone, television, external

lighting or any associated ducting.

f) Parking/use of tracked or wheeled machinery or vehicles of any description.


In addition to the protection measures specified above,


a) No fires shall be lit within 20 metres of the trunks of any trees, or the centre

line of any hedgerow shown to be retained.

b) No signs, cables, fixtures or fittings of any other description shall be attached

to any part of any retained tree.

REASON: - In order to safeguard trees and other vegetation considered to be worthy

of retention in the interests of the visual  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Application No 22/00730/3 - South Road from Nine Mile Ride to West Road, Wokingham pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Proposed reconstruction of existing footway/cycleway plus creation of additional shared use footway/cycleway to connect to existing.


Proposed reconstruction of existing footway / cycleway plus creation of additional shared use footway / cycleway to connect to existing.


The Committee noted:


·       That there were no objections from Bracknell Town Council.

·       That one letter had been received supporting the improvement to cycle facilities.


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three

years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act



02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with

the following approved plans and other submitted details received by the Local

Planning Authority on 13.09.2022 and 02.05.2023:





Arboricultural Impact Assessment and BS5837 Tree Survey at South Road.

Stage 2 Road Safety Audit South Road - Shared footway/cycleway

REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the

local Planning Authority.


03. No development shall take place (including ground works and vegetation

clearance) until a construction environmental management plan (CEMP:

Biodiversity) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning

Authority. The CEMP (Biodiversity) shall include the following:

a) Risk assessment of potentially damaging development activities

b) identification of "biodiversity protection zones"


c) practical measures (both physical measures and sensitive working practices)

to avoid or reduce impacts during development (may be provided as a set of

method statements)

d) the location and timing of sensitive works to avoid harm to biodiversity features

e) the times during development when specialist ecologists need to be present on

site to oversee works

f) responsible persons and lines of communication

g) the role and responsibilities on site of an ecological clerk of works or similarly

competent person

h) the use of protective fences, exclusion barriers and warning signs

The approved CEMP (Biodiversity) shall be adhered to and implemented

throughout the development period strictly in accordance with the approved


REASON: In the interests of nature conservation

[Relevant Plans and Policies: CSDPD CS1]


04. No development shall commence until a scheme for the provision of biodiversity

enhancements (not mitigation), including a plan or drawing showing the location

of these enhancements, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the

Local Planning Authority. An ecological site inspection report demonstrating the

implementation of the approved measures shall be submitted within three months

of practical completion of the works.

The approved scheme shall be performed, observed and complied with.

REASON: In the interests of nature conservation

[Relevant Plans and Policies: CSDPD CS1, CS7]


05. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General

Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) or any Order

revoking and re-enacting that order, no external lighting shall be installed on the

site except in accordance with details set out in a lighting design strategy for

biodiversity that has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local

Planning Authority. The strategy shall:

a) identify those  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Application No 23/00097/FUL - Acre House, 12 Broom Acres, Sandhurst pdf icon PDF 347 KB

Proposed erection of part single storey part two storey front, side and rear extensions, single storey rear extension to include an annexe, following demolition of existing garage and utility room.


Proposed erection of part single storey part two storey front, side and rear extensions, single storey rear extension to include an annexe, following demolition of existing garage and utility room.


The Committee noted:


·       The supplementary report tabled at the meeting.

·       That Sandhurst Town Council offered no objection.

·       The letter of support received.

·       That a site visit had taken place on 10 June 2023, with the following

Councillors in attendance: Councillors Brown, Egglestone, Smith and Zahuruddin


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as necessary:


01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of

three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act



02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and documents received by the Local Planning Authority on 18th May 2023 and 12th June 2023:     


Drawing Nos.

110 received 18th May 2023

120 received 18th May 2023

140 received 18th May 2023

160 received 18th May 2023


130 received 12th June 2023.


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


03. The bricks, tiles and window frames to be used in the construction of the

external surfaces of the extensions hereby permitted shall be of similar

appearance to those of the existing building.

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]


04.The proposed render used on the external surfaces of the extensions hereby permitted shall be Polar White Render (RAL 9012). 

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.         

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]


05.The new first floor window in the north-facing side elevation of the extension hereby permitted shall not be glazed at any time other than with a minimum of Pilkington Level 3 obscure glass (or equivalent). It shall at all times be fixed with the exception of an openable fanlight that is no less than 1.7m above the internal floor level of the room that the window serves.         

REASON: To prevent the overlooking of neighbouring properties.  

[Relevant Policy: BFBLP EN20]


06.Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no additional windows, similar openings or enlargement thereof shall be constructed at first floor level and above in the side elevations of the development hereby permitted (except for any which may be shown on the approved drawing(s)), unless they are glazed with a minimum of Pilkington Level 3 obscure glass (or equivalent) and fixed shut, or the parts of the window, opening or enlargement which are clear glazed and/or openable are more than 1.7 metres above the floor of the room in which it is installed.   

REASON: To prevent the overlooking of neighbouring properties.  

[Relevant Policy: BFBLP EN20]


07.Notwithstanding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.