Agenda and draft minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Wednesday, 15 March 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: Zoom Meeting. View directions

Contact: Derek Morgan  01344 352044


No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 8 November 2023.


The minutes of the last meeting held on 8 November 2022 were agreed.


Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Membership Update

To note that Tim Griffith, Anna Kennedy and Jo Roclawski have been appointed to fill vacancies on SACRE.  In addition, SACRE is asked to consider whether to provide a permanent place for a humanist representative as part of Group A.


Persons had been appointed to fill vacancies on SACRE which filled group C, where there were most vacant places.


SACRE was asked to consider whether to provide a permanent place for a humanist representative as part of Group A.


The main points made during the ensuing discussion were that:

·       SACRE would request a change of constitution from the Local Authority to provide a space for the Humanist position in group A.

·       There was a struggle to recruit a permanent Buddhist representative.

·       There was support for a permanent Baha’i representative.

·       At this time, other non-faith based world views did not follow the same structures as the humanist vision, SACRE was to wait until the syllabus update before considering offering positions for other non-faith groups.

·       The current representatives for the Humanist and Baha’i perspectives must ask their nominating bodies to support their nomination towards a permanent position.

·       The Chairman would author a letter to the Local Authority.


SACRE agreed and put forward the action to request an amendment to the constitution allowing for the expansion of group A to include permanent positions for the Humanist and Baha’i representatives.


Bracknell Forest SACRE Annual Report 2021/22 & Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To note the Bracknell Forest SACRE Annual Report 2021/22 and any updates to the Forward Plan.


SACRE noted the Bracknell Forest SACRE Annual Report 2021/22 and considered any updates to the Forward Plan.


Information was received on examination results for Religious Education in the Borough. SACRE were in agreement that these results should be included in the Annual Report.


It was noted that the Forward Plan should mention collaborative working and co-production with various religions to promote religious ideas in schools and collective worship. The gap in collective worship was to be addressed which had developed because of Covid-19 cancelling assemblies in schools.


Forward Plan work was ongoing, which included the creation of video resources at a local authority level for schools from representatives of different perspectives.


Religion and Worldviews in the Classroom pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To seek feedback on the Religious Education Council’s resource for curriculum developers entitled “Religion and Worldviews in the Classroom: developing a Worldviews Approach”.


SACRE members noted that the Religious Education Council’s resource for curriculum developers had a lot to offer, however, members noted that not all was clear.


Members were to await clarity in where the resource was heading.


Ramadan Advice pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To invite Muslim representatives to offer any suggestions for alterations or improvements to existing advice relating to Ramadan.


There was no Islamic representative present to provide advice. SACRE agreed that the education of children on Ramadan and any advice for teachers would be gratefully received.


One Islamic representative was to attend a Secondary School within the Borough to talk about Ramadan.


Training had been offered to schools around Ramadan previously.


SACRE members were in agreement about sharing resources around Ramadan.


Teacher Survey

To note that NASACRE is seeking to understand how the voices of teachers are used within SACREs and a short survey has been sent to the Members of Group C.


Teacher representatives of SACRE had received a survey regarding the NASACRE Annual Group Meeting which was held annually in May.


The purpose of the survey was to hear views from teacher representatives about whether they would attend if the meeting was held during another time of year.


School Visits

To receive updates from teachers and anyone who has gone into schools.


There were no updates from teachers and anyone who had gone into schools.


Artefacts pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a review of artefacts and the role of SACRE members in their review.


Anne Andrews and Tracey Bradshaw proposed the role of artefacts to be used in Religious Education in schools across the Borough. It was noted that a range of high-quality artefacts were available from the Open Learning Centre.


SACRE members were asked to volunteer some of their time to attend the Open Learning Centre to identify artefacts of their faith and ensure they were correct and documented.


Available dates to attend the Open Learning Centre were to be determined and then circulated to members.


Budget Update

To receive an update on the SACRE budget.


Tracey Bradshaw presented an update on the SACRE 2022-23 Budget.


The following points were highlighted:

·       At the time of the update, the budget had paid for the services of Anne Andrews over 2 years, NASACRE Conference, SACRE Hub costs, the subscription cost to NASACRE, and a training programme for all colleagues.

·       The annual costs figure for 2023-24 had been requested to ensure continuation.

·       Conversations were due to begin around the 2024-25 Budget.

·       The Syllabus Review was included in the SACRE Hub costs.

·       The Syllabus Review costs included working with teachers to author resources, launch events and for the payment of a graphic designer to put together the syllabus. Upon completion, training to schools must be offered which was needed to be considered in a subsequent Budget.

·       Proposals for the 2024-25 Budget were to be ready by September 2023.


Collective Worship

To consider the response of humanists to the collective worship email and reiteration of legal position of collective worship under current legislation.


The Humanist representative was in agreement with collective worship under the premise that active worship should be inviting, inspiring and inclusive, which aligned with Humanist values.


Census Data

To receive any highlights from the latest census data.


SACRE had not yet received Census analysis from the Local Authority showing change over time.


It was noted that Christianity remained the majority religion in the Borough.


Hub Updates

To receive any Hub updates including faith conversations for the syllabus review.


Anne Andrews provided an update that Baha’i, Buddhist and Humanist films and notes were in production. The notes were to be sent to NATRE to upload onto their website. There was to be 18 films in total developed.


The SACRE Hub Syllabus Review work had begun, with invites sent to faith groups to hold conversations on what local communities believed were important and what content should be taught.


RE Network

To note the latest report and training provided by the RE Network.


A write up of the RE Network meeting was to be available in the next SACRE Newsletter.


The date of the next meeting would be circulated to SACRE members.


NASACRE AGM and Conference

To agree who should represent Bracknell Forest SACRE at the NASACRE AGM and Conference.


Members were invited to contact Derek Morgan if they wished to be booked on to the NASACRE AGM and Conference with a total of 2 members able to attend.


SACRE Newsletter

To seek items for the next SACRE Newsletter.  Amongst the suggestions are reports from schools on Ofsted Deep Dives into RE or on any RE days, visits, visitors, or experiences.  Reports from faith representatives on any upcoming events that may be of interest to schools – e.g., festivals, current issues, community matters or developments.


SACRE members were asked to consider any topics and articles for the upcoming SACRE Newsletter.


Any Other Business


Members were informed of the upcoming Inter Faith Network Annual Group Meeting which was due to talk about Religious Education.


Dates of Future Meetings

Future Meetings are scheduled for 5pm on:


Monday 3 July 2023

Monday 13 November 2023

Monday 11 March 2024


Future Meetings of SACRE were scheduled for 5pm on:

·       Monday 3 July 2023

·       Monday 13 November 2023

·       Monday 11 March 2024