Agenda and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 30 June 2020 5.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting. View directions

Contact: Hannah Stevenson  01344 352308

Link: This meeting will be held online


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary or Affected Interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Items of Business

Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent.


There were no urgent items of business, but the Committee was advised that item 7 had been withdrawn.

Executive Decisions

The Executive considered the reports submitted on the items listed below and the decisions taken are recorded in the decision sheets attached to these minutes and summarised below


Outbreak Control Plan pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To endorse the Council's Outbreak Control Plan.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Bracknell Forest Local Outbreak Control Plan be endorsed.



Residents’ Covid-19 Impact Survey pdf icon PDF 299 KB

To agree the conducting of a COVID recovery residents’ survey as soon as possible so that the results can inform recovery planning, strategy and the delivery of the Council Plan over the next 3 years.




1          The survey questions as set out in Appendix A of the Chief Executive’s report be approved, subject to being tested by 6-12 residents to enable the wording to be refined, with authority delegated to the Chief Executive to sign off the final wording of the survey following testing in consultation with the Leader;


2          The proposed timescale for delivery of the survey be as set out in the Chief Executive’s report;


3          To ensure a representative sample of people participate in the survey by ward and demographics, the methodology and sample size applied to the Residents’ Survey 2017 will be used as set out in the report; and,


4          The communications plan as set out at Appendix B be approved.

Decision Records pdf icon PDF 11 KB

Additional documents: