108 Joint Venture Business Plan PDF 408 KB
To agree recommendation for LLP to adopt the Joint Venture Business plan
Additional documents:
RECOMMENDED that the Council:
i) approve the first proposed JV Business Plan for the Bracknell Forest
Limited Liability Partnership joint venture between the Council and
Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd as set out in Annex A/A1 and confidential Annex B of the Director: Finances report.
ii) approve the proposed Site Development Plan for Coopers Hill for
“Bracknell Forest Limited Liability Partnership”, including land drawdown where conditions have been met as set out in confidential Annex C of the Director: Finances report and the Council’s equal share of funding needed to undertake this development of up to £2.25m;
iii) Subject to recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 being approved by the Executive and Council, to note that the formal Incorporation of the JV and execution of the associated legal contract documentation for “Bracknell Forest Limited Liability Partnership JV” will take place in December 2020;