Issue - meetings

Questions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10

Meeting: 09/09/2020 - Council (Item 27)

Question Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10

By Councillor Temperton to Councillor Turrell, Executive Member for Planning and Transport


(a)            How does the Government’s White Paper- Planning for the Future- affect the Council’s ability to meet the proposed % of affordable homes in the Local Plan?


(b)            What could be the effect of the proposals in this paper on the finances of Bracknell Forest Council?


Councillor Mrs Temperton asked Councillor Turrell, Executive Member for Planning and Transport the following published question:


(a) How does the Government’s White Paper- Planning for the Future affect the Council’s ability to meet the proposed % of affordable homes in the Local Plan?

(b) What could be the effect of the proposals in this paper on the finances of Bracknell Forest Council?


In response Councillor Turrell stated that the White Paper was currently in consultation form, acknowledged that it was extensive and proposed large-scale changes to the planning system. The Executive was considering the Council’s consultation response on 20 October. The response would look in detail at each of the proposals including those for affordable housing and would address how the Council anticipates proposals would affect delivery in the future. He asked the meeting to note that the government intends that the new system would deliver “at least as much – if not more” onsite affordable housing.

He added that the proposed changes would be subject to primary and secondary legislation which would take time to come into effect. He stated that until that time, the Council would continue to determine planning applications based upon the adopted policy position which sought 25% affordable housing on sites which meet the threshold.


He concluded that it was too early to assess whether the proposed changes will affect the finances of the council in any significant way, other than the distinction that funding secured through the planning process was for the delivery of infrastructure rather than for service delivery.


In response to a supplementary question from Councillor Temperton that it was important for all members to be provided with information on any changes when they come into effect Councillor Turrell confirmed that he would ensure that all members were kept fully informed and updated on changes to Council planning policy.