75 Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan PDF 272 KB
To seek the Executive’s recommendation
to Council to submit the Submission Joint Minerals and Waste Local
Plan for Central and Eastern Berkshire to the Secretary of State
for examination by an independent Inspector. Pursuant to this, the
Executive’s recommendation is sought to publish the Proposed
Submission Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan for Central and
Eastern Berkshire and related changes to the Policies Map for
Additional documents:
i. the Proposed Submission Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan (along with the supporting documents and Policies Map) is approved for publication for a statutory six week period of consultation commencing on Thursday 3rd September and closing on Thursday 15th October 2020.
ii. that any minor changes to the Proposed Submission Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan and supporting documents
(relevant to Bracknell Forest), following Council, are agreed by the Director of Place Planning and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Member
for Planning and Transport
iii. Under the provisions of Section 22 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase
Act 2004 (as amended), that the Proposed Submission Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan, the Policies Map and all supporting documents be formally submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
iv. Under the provisions of Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase
Act 2004 (as amended), that the appointed Inspector be requested to recommend main modifications to the submitted Plan, in the event that the Inspector considers that such modifications ate necessary to make the Plan sound.