Issue - meetings

Customer Channel Strategy

Meeting: 22/11/2012 - Overview and Scrutiny Commission (Item 32)

Customer Contact Channel Strategy

To receive an update on progress in delivering the Council’s Customer Contact Channel Strategy. Bobby Mulheir, Chief Officer: Customer Services will be present.


The Chief Officer: Customer Services gave a presentation on the Customer Contact Channel Strategy which had been approved by the Executive in May. She also tabled a summary of work completed, in progress and to begin in order to implement the Action Plan.


She reported that the overarching aims of the Strategy were:


·               To review inbound customer contact and to develop and implement a channel strategy so that customers are encouraged, where appropriate, to make maximum use of online services.

·               To realise the potential of outbound proactive communication to promote services, maximise income and reduce inbound “avoidable” contact.

·               To take advantage of existing and emerging technologies to support customer service delivery.

·               To provide quality customer services which are cost efficient and value for money.


Arising from Members’ questions and comments, the following points were noted:


  • Whilst new technology could be used to contact the public, it was for the customers to determine what information they received and the means of communication.
  • Whilst customers would be encouraged to use new technology to contact the Council, existing channels would still be available.
  • The Council was looking to upgrade/replace its Customer Relationship Management software to improve performance and the quality of service provided to the public (see also Minute 34 below).
  • Whilst the increasing use of new technology rather than face to face or telephone contact would inevitably lead to a reduction in staffing, the emphasis was on adding real value to the service provided and reducing the time spent on routine inquiries.


Members congratulated the Web Team on the new website layout.


Members were invited to visit the Customer Contact Centre to find out more about the inquiries received and the service provided.


The Commission thanked the Chief Officer: Customer Services for her presentation.