Issue - meetings

Definitive Map and Statement Review

Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Local Countryside Access Forum (Item 6)

Definitive Map and Statement Review


A comprehensive review of the Definitive Map and Statement was currently being undertaken. There had been several changes to the map and statement since the year 2000. These included 17 reclassifications, 12 diversions, 2 closures and 7 creations.


A creation order had been discovered for a footpath across Lily Hill Park, which was not shown on the map or statement, and so a legal event modification order would be required in order to amend the map and statement. Footpaths converted into cycle tracks were being investigated in conjunction with the Highway Authority. It appeared that part of Gypsy Lane in Bracknell was subject to a Cycletrack Order, and this section should therefore be removed from the definitive map, since there was no PRoW classification for cycle tracks.


There were a number of other footpaths that had been physically converted into cycle tracks in terms of width, tarmac and kerbs and signage, but there were no legal orders for these. This meant that they were maintained as highways, signed and lit as cycle paths, but technically remain footpaths. This review was hoping to resolve these cases, but there was a short timescale available in which to achieve this.


The aim was to resolve these issues in the current review and publish by 2012. There would be publication of Legal Event Modification Orders in the local newspaper regarding creations, diversions and extinctions. Some anomalies would not be completely resolved but the text could explain what had happened ready for the next update.


The first Definitive Map and Statement of Bracknell Forest was created in 1952. Some Highway Authorities had been running pilot schemes in relation to finding “hidden” footpaths and bridleways before 2026 or they could be lost forever. It was suggested that different maps of Bracknell Forest could be compared for discrepancies but it was unclear whether the material and resources would be available to achieve this.


There were three modification order applications pending. One modification order application was regarding Sandhurst Footpath 15 where an application had been received to remove the PRoW from the map and statement. The Parks and Countryside Team had been in consultation with Sandhurst Town Council and carried out research at Berkshire Records Office and RMA Sandhurst regarding maps of the area. The Team had also thoroughly researched the London Gazette archives for information in relation to early procedures. The Council’s research and consideration of points raised by the applicant had not found any new evidence to suggest that the footpath was added to the 1951 east Berkshire Definitive Map in error, as the applicant claimed. Forum Members highlighted that the path was considered to be of value and agreed with the view that this application should be declined.


Two applications were from the Open Spaces Society in relation to defining the widths of Sandhurst Footpath 21 and Crowthorne Footpath 8. The width of the path had been found to be 8 feet on the Crowthorne Parish Survey of 1951. The Open Spaces Society was querying  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6