Issue - meetings

Thames Basin Heath and SANGS

Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Local Countryside Access Forum (Item 7)

Thames Basin Heath and SANGS


Forum Members received an update on the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area (SPA) and Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGs).


The protection of three species of ground nesting birds was important and there was a need to provide alternative recreational opportunities to reduce visitor pressure on the SPA. Bracknell Forest Council was producing a Supplementary Planning Document (updating the Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy) in relation to the Thames Basin Heath. There would be a consultation period on the public website between 12 September and 24 October 2011. A link to the consultation would be sent to Forum Members.

(Action: Rose Wicks)


There would be a key amendment to the previous strategy as the SPD set out the requirements for measures that cut across a multitude of planning authority areas, specifically addressing strategic access management throughout the SPA. Measures would be implemented so as not to displace, for example, visitor or recreational use. Work would be undertaken collectively for onsite access for improvement measures.


There was a uniformed approach to securing funding for the improvements across all planning authorities involved. Hampshire County Council would act as “banker” for the funding to keep it central and Natural England were co-ordinating the work.


There would be improvements outside the Thames Basin Heath at a local level with open space mini management plans for sites including Ambarrow Court, Horseshoe Lake and Shepherd Meadows to make them more attractive for visitors (funded through S106 developer contributions). Reward money had been received from the government and capital payment had been ringfenced to also enable site improvements being undertaken at an early stage. Englemere Pond would be the next site for funding and improvements.


A question was raised about using public rights of way as SANGs. Money was being secured for linked improvements but PRoW were not applicable as stand alone SANGs.


It was queried whether there was parking for horseboxes at Horseshoe Lake. There was a car park but it had a height restriction. Short term access could possibly be arranged via Hugh Fitzwillams, but long term the height restrictions would remain in place to restrict access by caravans and to discourage flytipping etc.


It was suggested that a national map of potential and actual sites for parking for horseboxes would be useful and could contribute to the bridle path circuit. It was suggested that this would possibly be investigated further when the Riding in Bracknell Forest leaflet was revised. It was also suggested that SANGs could possibly be joined together to create longer linear routes.