Issue - meetings

Office Accommodation Strategy

Meeting: 09/06/2011 - Overview and Scrutiny Commission (Item 15)

Office Accommodation Strategy Exempt Item

To receive a presentation on the draft Office Accommodation Strategy  prior to its submission to the Executive.  An executive summary is attached.


The Commission noted the Borough Solicitor’s tabled paper, setting out his advice on the proposed exclusion of the public and press from the meeting during consideration of this item.


The Director of Corporate Services gave a presentation on the Office Accommodation Strategy and presented the Executive Summary of the Strategy, included in the agenda papers.  Members of the Commission were asked to respect the confidentiality of the papers.  


The Director and the Assistant Chief Executive responded to questions.


The strategy would be presented to the Executive on 5 July 2011.  The Commission agreed that a working group be established to consider the draft strategy in more detail.  Councillors Mrs Birch, Finnie, McLean and Virgo expressed a wish to sit on it.  If anyone else wished to take part they were advised to contact the Head of Overview & Scrutiny on Friday 10 June.