Issue - meetings

Green Flag

Meeting: 28/09/2010 - Local Countryside Access Forum (Item 8)

Green Flag


Three Parks and Countryside sites in Bracknell Forest had been awarded the Green Flag again in 2010: Lily Hill Park, a joint entry from Shepherd Meadows and Sandhurst Memorial Park (Bracknell Forest Council in partnership with Sandhurst Town Council), and Pope’s Meadow. Carnation Hall, owned and managed by Winkfield Parish Council was also awarded a Green Flag.


To be eligible for Green Flag Awards, local authorities needed to make improvements and respond to detailed feedback from Keep Britain Tidy. Senior Parks Officers decided which areas received Green Flag Awards but they could not judge their own area.


The criteria for a Green Flag included maintaining standards, signage, safety, how welcoming an area was, community engagement, and environmental sustainability amongst others. There was a need to demonstrate that the standard could be delivered.


Lily Hill Park and South Hill Park had both received funding for improvements and South Hill Park would be entered into the Green Flag process in 2012.