Issue - meetings

Public Question Time

Meeting: 23/03/2010 - Local Countryside Access Forum (Item 25)

Public Question Time

(Maximum 10 Minutes)


John Warren, an observer at the meeting, asked about the bird breeding habitat at Priory Field, as there was a lock on the gate which meant that people were unable to use the site.


The site had been bought by Bracknell Forest Council to use as sports pitches or to create sports facilities for housing in the area. Work had been undertaken during the 2006-07 financial year to lay sport turf quality grass but the construction had failed. The area was not safe enough to play on as the top to bottom layer had not bound and consequently there was a risk of injury. Contractors were on the site to strip the top layer and re-lay it. It was expected to be open next September. Priory Field was located in a traveller area, so it was important to keep the site secure.


Mr Warren queried if there had been any update on the possibility of a bus stop at the Look Out. There was no further update on this at present but the issue would be raised in the Local Transport Plan.

(Action: Graham Pockett/Richard Walton)


Mr Warren reported that there were dry valleys just south of the Look Out in Swinley Forest which were of geological interest and suggested that a site visit to this area may be of interest to the Forum. He had suggested that Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) should assess the site for Local Geological Site status (formerly RIGS). Interpretation boards would be erected in this area. Derick Stickler commented that the Crown Estate would be happy to talk to TVERC about this.


The RMA grounds would be open on Sunday 20 June. This provided an opportunity to view the countryside in this area which was normally not open to members of the public. Entry would be free and car parking would be available. Major Andy Stevens could be contacted if Forum Members wished to advertise this in their local area. The Crown Estate would need to be approached regarding this day. Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre had been designated to make decisions regarding protection of the area. Some of the area was protected as SPA.


Swinley Forest was protected for birds at present, but it did not have a geological designation.


Mrs Diane Smith, an observer from Mid and West Berkshire LAF, commented that she had not looked at the Playbuilder sites. At Mid and West Berkshire LAF discussions were held regarding footpath variations, such as the Thames Paths, the legalities of paths opened and access.


Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) was a small unitary authority and there were less issues surrounding rights of way. In the BFC area, rights of way were concentrated in the northern area of the borough, the amount of work related to public enquiries, modifications to paths and bridleways, and the impact of new housing sites varied considerably.