Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring Report

Meeting: 23/06/2009 - Environment, Culture and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 7)

7 Performance Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 795 KB

To consider the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance as reported in the Performance Monitoring Report for the fourth quarter of 2008/09 relating to the Environment, Culture and Communities Department.


Please bring the previously circulated Performance Monitoring Report to the meeting.  Copies are available on request and attached to this agenda if viewed online.


The Director of Environment, Culture and Communities gave a presentation in respect of departmental performance with reference to the Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for the 4th quarter of 2008/09.  The presentation outlined the Department’s finances as at March 2009, highlighted variances on revenue and identified capital projects that would be carried forward.  Staffing issues, key highlights and a forward look were also included.


The Panel noted that due to good performance the Department had, at the end of the 2008/09 financial year, achieved a saving of £402,000.  Major revenue variances included a fall in the income derived from Land Charges and savings made in the Waste Management Contract.  Consistently bad weather and the recession had impacted Downshire Golf Course’s revenue however the Course was still making a surplus and early 2009/10 returns looked promising.


Carry forwards identified in the Capital Programme included: restoration of the grounds at South Hill Park, management of access to and habitat of Wildmoor Heath, refurbishment work to the libraries, work at the Elms Recreation Ground, building maintenance, refurbishment and extension of Bullbrook Community Centre, improvements to urban woodlands and a programme of Section 106 leisure schemes.


The Panel was advised that the Department’s staff turnover rate for the 2008/09 year was 15.9%.  Sickness rates at the end of the year stood at 8.26%.  Long term sickness accounted for over half of this figure and this was being managed through Occupational Health. 


Key highlights for the Department included: a 60% reduction in the number of households accommodated in Bed and Breakfast (as of the beginning of June 2009 the Council had no households placed in bed and breakfast accommodation), the formation of the Climate Change Partnership, early intervention had prevented 212 households from becoming homeless, the Benefits Team continued to provide an excellent service despite a significant increase in workload, the waste and highways services had continued despite periods of consistently bad weather and the new Mill Lane Footbridge had been the subject of an engineering award.  Looking forward, the Panel was advised that the Waste Recycling Centre at Longshot Lane would be reopened on 3 July 2009, a programme of library refurbishments would be carried out and the Department were supporting the Social Care and Learning Department’s delivery of the Playbuilder Project.


The Panel was advised that the Carbon Management Plan may be of interest.  It was agreed that this would be brought to the Panel’s next meeting.


Arising from Members’ questions and comments the following points were noted:


·         The Playbuilder Project, funded by a grant of £1.8million to be spent over two years, was intended to support and develop play in the Borough.  As part of the scheme plans were in place to improve 22 play areas across the Borough and work would start on 11 of the identified play areas this year.  The Project was overseen by a Board that included representatives of the Police, Primary Care Trust and town and parish councils; Council views were represented at Board meetings by Councillors  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7