Issue - meetings

Interpretation and Marketing

Meeting: 30/09/2008 - Local Countryside Access Forum (Item 31)

Interpretation and Marketing


The final proof for the information boards at Wildmoor Heath was presented to the Forum and it was reported that the information was also available in a leaflet produced by the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust and on the Council’s website. Information boards and signage were due to be installed by the end of October (weather dependent).


It was reported that whilst specific provision for visually impaired people was not included on site at Wildmoor, it was proposed at other sites such as Clinton’s Hill in the form of engraved and raised carved wood illustrations/ maps and other formats. The Council’s Parks & Countryside Service leaflet range was also available in other languages, large print, Braille or on audio tape on request.


Members were shown the final proof for the new over arching parks and countryside leaflet, one of the first leaflets to be produced as part of the Parks & Countryside Service’s new look ‘Discover’ leaflet range. Members queried whether this leaflet could be sent out with the next edition of Town & Country, officers agreed to consider this. Copies of the new parks and countryside events programme were also circulated.

(ACTION: Sally Coulson)

Members congratulated officers on this excellent work.