14 Capital Expenditure Outturn 2022/23 PDF 138 KB
To note the outturn position for the year and
approve carry forward requests.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Executive:
i. Notes the outturn capital expenditure as outlined in Table 1 and detailed in Annex A.
ii. Approves the carry forward of £34.114m from the 2022/23 capital programme to 2023/24 including those specific schemes listed in Annexe B.
iii. Notes the financing of capital expenditure as shown in Table 2.
iv. Notes the 2023/24 Budget amendments identified in para 5.10 relating to the Joint Venture
v. Approves the supplementary capital approval of £0.081m for the increased costs associated with the Berkshire Records Office as outlined in para 5.11.
vi. Approves the virements requested in para 5.13.