Decision details

Bridgewell Supported Living

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the Executive on the progress of the Bridgewell Supported Living project. The project was previously approved for delivery by Executive on 21 June 2022. Further decision is required relating to the capital cost of the building works and the re-approval of the strategic procurement plan for the procurement of the a) landlord service provider and b) the care & support service provider.



i.       the progress to date on the design development is noted and the timetable in

paragraph 5.27 is agreed.


ii.     the value improvement items to improve sustainability in paragraphs 5.11 is noted.


iii.    the revised strategic procurement plan for appointment of the provider of

landlord services (Housing Association) and care services (Support Provider) for the provision of Bridgewell Supported Living scheme for adults with learning disabilities as laid out in paragraphs 5.16 to 5.20 are noted.



RECOMMENDED to Council to approve the additional cost of works for the new

accommodation by £400k, changing the previous budget from £7.15m to £7.55m as

detailed in paragraph 5.12.


Reasons for the decision:

i.       As per the rationale set out in the previous Executive report, the service is needed because without the new accommodation, a large cohort of vulnerable people are either already or will soon be living in accommodation not suited to their needs, or unable to be adapted to be suited to their needs. People have the right to suitable accommodation as well as independence. On completion of the project, residents will have an increase in independence and reduction of social isolation. They will be able to enjoy freedom and independence and are encouraged to be in control of their lives, ensuring that they are supported to manage their daily living skills to the best of their ability.


ii.     The added value of Supported Living is that parents / carers are enabled to better juggle their roles in caring and paid work, leading to improved well-being, avoiding a detrimental effect on the family’s financial circumstances. Ensuring the right accommodation with a person-centred care and support package will reduce escalation to costly residential placements.


iii.    Design and Build: the design and build contractor (Neilcott Construction) was

appointed through competitive restricted tender in January 2023. They have

developed the design and obtained planning permission. As the concept design progressed into a detailed technical specification, Neilcott obtained pricing from their supply chain, which exceeds the budget by £400k. Further details are given in paragraphs 5.9 to 5.15.


iv.    Provider Model: prior to commencing procurement activity, the Commissioning team has been working with Campbell Tickell (Subject matter expert consultancy) to undertake a detailed options appraisal of each of the commissioning models available for Bridgewell. Following this review, a change to the Strategic Procurement Plan is being requested that was previously approved by Executive in June 2022.

Alternative options considered:

i.       Design and Build: The proposed design is for four households with 5-bedrooms and en-suites plus shared communal areas. In the concept stage, self-contained flats were considered but found not to be suitable. The groups that we are proposing have at least a moderate learning disability, their mobility is deteriorating, and they are getting older. The current cohorts being considered, are not able to participate to any significant extent in their meal preparation; some of them currently reside together. Some need support or at least monitoring while they eat. Cost reduction by decreasing the number of bedrooms to be built could lower the overall capital cost but it will increase the per square meter cost of the project, which will in turn incur abortive design cost. Changing the scheme dramatically at this stage, will also affect the planning permission.


ii.     Commissioning Model for procurement of the Housing provider and Support provider: The previously approved Strategic Procurement Plan (SPP) set out an approach to separately procure the a) housing provider through competitive tender and b) the care & support service provider through either the upcoming Supported Living Framework or via a separate compliant tender process. This would result in two separate unrelated procurement and contractual arrangements with two providers. Following a detailed commissioning review of this approach, it is now accepted that, this is not the most advantageous route to market, to ensure the service offers a seamless, high-quality service to tenants, value for money for the Council and is an attractive opportunity to prospective bidders.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Reason Key: Expenditure >£400,000 & Affects more than 1 ward.;

Wards Affected: Hanworth;

Financial Impact: This project will provide new fit for purpose accommodation, which will enable efficiency in the supported care delivery. By investing in good quality home styled accommodation, the Council will continue to demonstrate its commitment to ensuring that people are supported to be independent, resilient, physically and emotionally healthy. It will also lead to net revenue savings over the long term.

Declarations: None

Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No

Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: People

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Pre-planning application public consultation.
Meetings and email consultation with key partners.


At the relevant stages of the project consultation will be undertaken during the course of this project.

Contact: Melanie O'Rourke, Assistant Director: Adult Social Care Email: Melanie.O'

Report author: Melanie O'Rourke

Publication date: 17/10/2023

Date of decision: 17/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2023 - Executive

Effective from: 25/10/2023

Accompanying Documents: