Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek a recommendation from Executive to
Council to:
1) Adopt the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste
Plan incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the
Inspector and Additional Modifications
2) Agree to make the alterations to the adopted Policies Map that
are necessary to give effect to the policies of the adopted Central
and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan as
3) Withdraw the saved policies in the Replacement Minerals Local
Plan (adopted May 2001) and saved policies in the Waste Local Plan
for Berkshire (adopted December 1998)
RECOMMENDED that Council:
1 Adopts the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector and non-material additional modifications (as set out in Appendix A of the Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration’s report).
2 Agrees to make the alterations to the Policies Map (Appendix B) that are necessary to give effect to the policies of the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan as modified.
3 Agrees that on adoption, the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan will become part of the development plan for the Borough and that its policies will supersede all saved policies in the Replacement Minerals Local Plan for Berkshire (incorporating the alterations adopted in December 1997 and May 2001) and the Waste Local Plan for Berkshire (adopted 1998) for the purposes of decision making in Bracknell Forest.
4 Agrees that any other non-material additional modifications to the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan, can be agreed by the Director of Place Planning and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport as considered necessary ahead of publication and publicity.
It is important that the Council has an up to date and robust planning framework to guide development which reflects current national policy and guidance. The Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan helps achieve this aim.
The Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan can only be adopted with all of the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspectors. Not adopting the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan would result in a waste of resources incurred in preparing the Plan and the existing out of date saved Minerals and Waste Plan policies would remain in place. It could also provoke intervention by the Secretary of State (Section 27(5) empowers the Secretary of State to (a) approve the Plan with the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspectors, or (b) direct the Council to consider adopting the Plan by resolution of the authority) and legal challenges by site promoters.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Financial Impact: None
Declarations: None.
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No.
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration
Other reasons / organisations consulted
No further consultation is required at this
Contact: Andrew Hunter, Executive Director: Place Email: Tel: 01344 351907.
Report author: Andrew Hunter
Publication date: 13/12/2022
Date of decision: 13/12/2022
Decided at meeting: 13/12/2022 - Executive
Effective from: 21/12/2022
Accompanying Documents: