Decision details

Procurement Plan - Life Safety Systems Services Maintenance contract renewal

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Transformation & Finance

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To invite the Executive Member to approve the strategic procurement plan to tender the services for a single organisation to carry out the routine servicing and maintenance of all planned preventatives, responsive maintenance and servicing of the life safety systems across the Council’s portfolio of buildings in Bracknell.


1          The Strategic Procurement Plan to tender for a single organisation to carry out the routine servicing and maintenance of all planned preventative, responsive maintenance and servicing of the life safety systems across the portfolio of buildings in Bracknell Forest be approved.


2          Approval of this Strategic Procurement Plan authorises:


a)         A proposed contractual term of five years with an initial period of 3 years and further two years of optional extensions equating to 3 + 2 years.  The contract is based on a total contract term of 5 years with the first three years to be at a fixed cost.  Subsequent years cost increases to be based on CPI index and open book review, agreed by both parties (as per contract renewal date).  The maximum value over the 5 years is £950,000.


b)         The procuring of services from a single provider.

Reasons for the decision:

The proposed contract is a public services contract for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations (“PCR 2015”).  The relevant threshold for the application of the PCR is £177,897.50 (excluding VAT). The contract will exceed such threshold and therefore the Council will need to advertise on the Find a Tender Services.  This contract will be procured using the restricted procedure in accordance with the applicable rules set out in the PCR 2015.


To ensure that the Council has an effective and reliable contractor in place to deal with Planned and Responsive maintenance issues that may arise, with potential for additional project works, to ensure that the health and safety of occupants is maintained by this vital service. 


Failure to do so, could result in costly implications for the Council, and could also impact on the services it is able to offer individuals within the Borough.  A large number of schools have bought into the Service Level Agreement (SLA) provided by the Construction and Maintenance within property services.  They are therefore benefiting from the planned and reactive maintenance, as well as a potential for additional project work and services arising from this award.  This links to Priority Four of the Council’s Medium Term objectives which seeks to ensure that the people within the Borough are always safe.


Life safety forms part of the essential safety services, the contract delivers assurance on safety, such as warning systems and firefighting equipment, the system is not intended to control a catastrophic event but to inhibit reaching this situation.


This method of procurement assures that Bracknell Forest Council is better placed in providing a fast and reliable life safety service. It was considered prudent to procure a planned and a responsive maintenance term contract as it ensures that the Council complies with the Public Contracts Regulations and has the necessary level of emergency cover in place.

Alternative options considered:

Framework options were explored however, none were a suitable match.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Reason Key: Expenditure >£400,000 & Affects more than 1 ward.;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Financial Impact: To provide competitive tenders for this service.

Declarations: None.

Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No.

Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: Delivery.

Other reasons / organisations consulted

By report


Borough Solicitor

Contact: Kamay Toor, Programme Director: Schools' Capital and Property Email: Tel: 01344 355183.

Publication date: 11/11/2022

Date of decision: 02/11/2022

Effective from: 19/11/2022

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