Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Executive to note the update on the service provider model for the new 66 bed EMI & Intermediate care home and approve the associated procurement plan.
i) the Strategic Procurement Plan be approved for procuring a provider for dementia nursing care services in Heathlands.
ii) the joint approach for working with NHS East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Frimley Health Foundation Trust, our integrated
NHS care partners, who shall jointly deliver intermediate care services in Heathlands be noted.
iii) the decision in respect of the commissioning of the hotel services provision be delegated to the Heathlands Joint Project Board, in consultation with the Executive Member for Transformation and Finance, which is chaired by the
Bracknell Forest Council Director: Resources.
iv) the Heathlands Joint Project Board, in consultation with the Executive Member for Transformation and Finance, be delegated to agree the arrangement between the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group and, if applicable, Frimley Health Foundation Trust for the sharing of the costs of the hotel services and any other pooling of funds in relation to the arrangement under a Section 75 agreement pursuant to the NHS Act 2006.
The council proposes to procure for dementia nursing care through a competitive
· To commission a suitable provider to deliver dementia nursing care in
Heathlands. The dementia care provider will work alongside FHFT for the ICS.
· To maximise tender opportunities (e.g. assurance re expertise / capability of
provider, competitively priced bids) that will generate value for money and highquality care.
· To establish a clear commissioner – provider route by adopting a separate
commissioner-led route to market and contracting model.
· To be Public Contract Regulations compliant and timely, completing the tender, award and mobilisation phases in time for Heathlands opening in December 2021.
· As per the strategic procurement plan, the hotel services (e.g. front desk,
kitchen, laundry, facilities management, external landscaping) will be delivered either by the ICS provider to be commissioned by the CCG or by the dementia services provider, in which case it will be part of the competitive tender for the dementia services. The most beneficial option is currently under consideration.
The wider benefits of pursuing an integrated care approach in Heathlands are
anticipated to:
· Give local people with dementia and intermediate care needs access to local
provision that doesn’t currently exist
· Secure consistently high-quality nursing care provision, with the NHS brand
· Develop a more joined up approach to hospital discharge, reducing delayed
transfers of care and ensuring a better experience for people leaving hospital.
· Provide a genuine lever to positively influence the local care home market
· Obtain long-term nursing bed price security for the council, protecting against volatile market prices
· Provide flexibility of beds to be able to respond to changing demands
Health partners and the Council considered an option whereby a single health
provider would provide services across the whole site. This option was not viable.
The Council is therefore seeking to procure a separate dementia care provider.
The delivery options for the hotel element (e.g. facilities management, meals,
laundry, front desk) of Heathlands are under review. This service element could be
delivered by the ICS provider or the dementia care provider. A decision around the
provision of the hotel service will be made by the Joint Heathlands Project Board
before launching the dementia care ITT.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Financial Impact: The proposal has been allocated capital funding for the new facilities with a pending contribution from the NHS. Start up and operational costs have been modelled.
Declarations: None
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Making Representations: Director of Resources
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Meetings and consultation with key
East Berkshire CCG, Frimley Health NHS
Foundation Trust, Local Planning Authority, soft market
Contact: Stuart McKellar, Executive Director: Resources Email: Tel: 01344 352205.
Report author: Stuart McKellar
Publication date: 10/11/2020
Date of decision: 10/11/2020
Decided at meeting: 10/11/2020 - Executive
Effective from: 18/11/2020
Accompanying Documents: