Decision details

Consultation and engagement framework - extension of contractual arrangements

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve an additional call off contract with Public Perspectives Ltd (for a maximum period of 12 months) which extends beyond the expiry date (31st July 2022) of the Consultation and Engagement Framework Agreement.

The original strategic procurement plan (SPP) authorised expenditure of £350,000 through the framework agreement for 3+1 years. Spend from this approved amount has been £101,730 and hence this does not exceed the original authorised expenditure. The original SPP authorised expenditure until 31st July 2022 and the extension adds an additional 12 months to the period first authorised.

Reasons for the decision:

NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the council have committed to working together through the development of a blueprint for joint working. Therefore NHS Frimley ICB have been invited to join in calling off services from a framework contract for consultation and engagement services.
NHS Frimley ICB recognise the benefits of working jointly with Bracknell Forest Council in this procurement and are keen to collaborate with the council (where appropriate) to share insight and develop engagement activity where it is mutually beneficial (e.g. residents’ surveys or health and wellbeing consultations). The details would be worked through as part of the procurement exercises but at this stage they are anticipating supporting this contract to a value of approximately £10k per year for the duration of a 3–4-year contract.
As a result of these discussions and negotiations it was not possible to procure for a new framework agreement before 31st July due to the length of the procurement process.

Alternative options considered:


Without this approval, the council would be without a contracted organisation to run consultation and engagement including staff survey, residents’ survey, business survey and other specific consultations. Service areas would need to commission individual consultations and would not have the ability to call off engagement activity from a single provider who has knowledge and experience of working with the council.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Timothy Wheadon, Chief Executive Email: Email: Tel: 01344 355601.

Publication date: 16/08/2022

Date of decision: 26/07/2022