Decision details

Covid Winter Grant

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Council Strategy and Community Cohesion

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval of the eligibility framework and approach for distribution of the Covid Winter Grant. The Covid Winter Grant is a Government support package aiming to give vulnerable households peace of mind in the run up to Christmas and over the Winter months during the pandemic by helping those who need it to have food on the table and other essentials, with the aim of ensuring every child will be warm and well-fed this winter.

Special urgency procedure decision in order to launch this Covid response scheme as soon as possible following 1st December in line with Government guidance.


       i.          That the proposed local arrangements for distribution of the Winter Grant Scheme set out in this report is approved and to commence after the decision, from the 7 December 2020.


      ii.          That further changes to the eligibility criteria and changes to the spending of the funding between the different categories is delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.

Reasons for the decision:

1.     The government has announced a specific support package to give vulnerable households peace of mind in the run up to Christmas and over the Winter months during the pandemic by helping those who need it to have food on the table and other essentials, so every child will be warm and well-fed this winter. Local authorities have been allocated a fund, based on population size and deprivation, to distribute to families in financial hardship. Bracknell Forest Council has been allocated £221,214.27.


2.     Local authorities are responsible and have been given significant discretion for setting up the support and determining eligibility. The main restrictions are that at least 80% of the fund must be distributed to families with children, and at least 80% must be provided for food costs and essential heating and utility bills. Any funding not spent by the 31st March 2021 must be returned to the Department for Work and Pensions.  Local authorities are required to launch their schemes on 1st December or as soon as possible after that date.

Alternative options considered:

No alternative options considered as local authorities are expected to disburse this funding following Government guidance.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Financial Impact: Covid Government grant

Declarations: None

Subject to Urgent Proceedings: Yes

Making Representations: In writing to the Chief Executive

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Briefings and email.


The Executive
Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
BF schools

Contact: Sarah Gee, Assistant Director: Early Help and Communities Email: Tel: 01344 351447, Rachel Morgan, Assistant Director, Education & Learning Email: Tel: 01344 354037, Abby Thomas, Assistant Director: Communities and Policy Email: Tel: 01344 353307.

Urgent item?: Yes

Publication date: 07/12/2020

Date of decision: 07/12/2020

Accompanying Documents: