Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval for investment into various areas of Bracknell Leisure Centre in order to improve the customer experience.
RESOLVED that the Executive:
i. Supports additional investment in the Bracknell Leisure Centre based on Option 2 described in paragraph 5.5 that will secure significant enhancements to the facility to benefit users in addition to meeting the invest to save threshold through an increased management fee payment for the Council, and to enable this.
ii. Agrees to release section 106 funding allocated to the provision of built sports and recreation
RECOMENDED to Council to approve a Supplementary Capital Approval with the associated borrowing costs already accounted for within the Option 2 figures detailed in recommendation 2.1.
Detailed within the confidential report.
Detailed within the confidential report.
Reason Key: Expenditure >£400,000 & Affects more than 1 ward.;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Financial Impact: Will be contained within a confidential Annex
Declarations: None
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: Delivery
Other reasons / organisations consulted
As part of the works discussion with Bracknell Leisure Centre users.
Bracknell Leisure Centre users
Contact: Damian James, Assistant Director: Contract Services Email: Tel: 01344 355157.
Report author: Damian James
Publication date: 20/06/2023
Date of decision: 20/06/2023
Decided at meeting: 20/06/2023 - Executive
Effective from: 28/06/2023