Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To note progress and to consider any decisions
i. The Executive confirms its continuing support for the Market Street
development and agrees proposed changes to the Council’s previously agreed position as set out in paragraphs 1.4.1 – 1.4.4 of the confidential Appendix A, including notably:
· Supporting a 10% increase to the Council’s 50% contribution to the development costs, reflecting increased construction costs and rephasing of expenditure, noting that this has no impact on the Council’s financial position due to the loan note mechanism in the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership legal agreements;
· Delegating authority to the Assistant Director: Contract Services to enter into an agreement with the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership for required off-site car park provision.
ii. The Executive, looking ahead to future town centre development, requests
the Executive Director for Place, Planning and Regeneration to review the
Council’s current town centre parking standards and identify a range of future
options to reduce reliance on car usage and promote the use of more sustainable public and private transport solutions that align with the Council’s
climate change ambitions for the Council itself and the Borough of Bracknell
The proposed changes to the previously agreed approach to the Market Street site,
being developed through the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership, respond to the
development’s overall viability challenges and provide the best solution to ensure the
Council’s previously agreed outcomes of additional affordable housing are delivered.
The Council could withdraw its support for the scheme at this stage. This is not
recommended, as the Council would become liable for 50% of costs incurred on the
scheme to date and delivery of a significant number of new homes, 48% of which
would be affordable, would be lost. The Market Street site has remained in its
undeveloped state for over 20 years, which reflects the difficulty in bringing it forward
for development. In this context, it is unlikely to attract significant alternative market
interest and would remain derelict for the foreseeable future, should the proposed
scheme not be progressed.
Councillors Bidwell and Neil declared affected interests in relation to
item 8 being the Council’s representatives on the Board overseeing the joint
venture and would leave the meeting for the item.
Reason Key: Expenditure >£400,000 & Affects more than 1 ward.;
Declarations: Councillors Bidwell and Neil declared affected interests in relation to item 8 being the Council’s representatives on the Board overseeing the joint venture and would leave the meeting for the item.
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Contact: Sarah Holman, Joint Venture Business Partner Email: Tel: 01344 354197.
Report author: Sarah Holman
Publication date: 18/07/2023
Date of decision: 18/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 18/07/2023 - Executive
Effective from: 26/07/2023
Accompanying Documents: