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Councillor Ian Leake
More information about me
Declarations at meetings
Register of interests
Gifts and hospitalities
Committee appointments
Current appointments
All appointments
Adult Social Care and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(11/05/2006 - 02/05/2007)
Adult Social Care and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Adult Social Care and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(23/05/2007 - 21/05/2008)
Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(19/05/2009 - 06/05/2011)
Appointment Committee - Assistant Director: Early Help & Communities
(02/03/2023 - 14/05/2023)
Appointment Committee - Chief Executive Officer
(30/03/2022 - 01/08/2022)
Appointment Committee for Assistant Director: Education & Learning
(09/03/2021 - 28/06/2021)
Appointment Committee for Assistant Director: Human Resources & Organisational Development
(13/07/2021 - 01/12/2021)
Appointment Committee for Executive Director:People
(09/11/2020 - 28/06/2021)
Climate Change Advisory Panel
(18/05/2021 - 04/05/2023)
(11/05/2005 - 02/05/2007)
(12/05/2010 - 04/05/2023)
Education Employment Sub Committee
(11/05/2006 - 02/05/2007)
Education Employment Sub Committee
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Education Employment Sub Committee
(18/05/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Education Employment Sub Committee
(17/05/2012 - 04/05/2023)
Employment Committee
(11/05/2006 - 02/05/2007)
Employment Committee
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Employment Committee
(18/05/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Employment Committee
(20/05/2011 - 04/05/2023)
Environment, Culture and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel
(23/05/2008 - 06/05/2011)
Final Accounts Committee
(11/05/2006 - 02/05/2007)
Final Accounts Committee
(18/05/2007 - 31/03/2009)
Final Accounts Committee
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Food Waste Members' Steering Group
(12/03/2020 - 01/06/2022)
Governance & Audit Committee
(26/03/2009 - 06/05/2011)
Governance & Audit Committee
(22/05/2011 - 04/05/2023)
Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(11/05/2006 - 02/05/2007)
Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(22/05/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel
(13/07/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Joint East Berkshire Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
(Chair)Bracknell Forest Council
(22/05/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Joint East Berkshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee with Buckinghamshire County Council
(26/02/2008 - 06/05/2011)
Licensing and Safety Committee
(11/05/2005 - 02/05/2007)
Licensing and Safety Committee
(18/05/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Licensing and Safety Committee
(22/05/2011 - 04/05/2023)
Licensing Panel
(11/05/2005 - 02/05/2007)
Licensing Panel
(20/06/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Overview and Scrutiny Commission
(18/05/2007 - 06/05/2011)
Overview and Scrutiny Commission
(11/05/2005 - 02/05/2007)
Overview and Scrutiny Commission
(20/05/2011 - 07/05/2019)
Planning & Highways Committee
(17/05/2011 - 26/05/2011)
Planning Committee
(17/05/2011 - 07/05/2015)
Planning Committee
(18/05/2016 - 07/05/2019)
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
(11/05/2005 - 02/05/2007)
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
Bracknell Forest Council
(22/05/2008 - 06/05/2011)
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
Bracknell Forest Council
(23/05/2016 - 31/05/2019)
Terms of Office
01/05/2003 - 03/05/2007
03/05/2007 - 05/05/2011
05/05/2011 - 07/05/2015
07/05/2015 - 02/05/2019
03/05/2019 - 03/05/2023
04/05/2023 -
Appointments to outside bodies
Current appointments
All appointments
Association of Councils of the Thames Valley Region (ACTVaR)
(01/05/2003 - 30/04/2010)
Berkshire Pension Fund Advisory Panel
(23/05/2019 - 04/05/2023)
Binfield Badger Group
(01/05/2005 - 18/05/2016)
Binfield Badger Group
(18/01/2006 - 10/05/2006)
Bracknell Forest Homes Board
(25/05/2011 - 16/10/2013)
Bracknell Forest Voluntary Action Management Committee
(25/05/2011 - 29/06/2015)
Bracknell Voluntary Car Service
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Bracknell Voluntary Car Service
(11/05/2006 - 23/05/2007)
Bracknell Voluntary Car Service
(25/05/2011 - 22/05/2019)
Bracknell Voluntary Car Service
(01/05/2005 - 30/04/2007)
Farley Wood Community Association (Charity number 1127154)
(23/05/2007 - 25/05/2011)
Homestart – Bracknell Forest
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Homestart – Bracknell Forest
(01/05/2005 - 25/05/2011)
(27/05/2015 - 22/05/2019)
South Central Health Scrutiny
(01/05/2008 - 25/05/2011)
South East Employers
(01/05/2003 - 27/05/2015)
South East Employers
(11/05/2005 - 10/05/2006)
Thames Valley Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(11/05/2006 - 21/05/2008)
Additional Information
Councillor Leake is also a member of
Binfield Parish Council
Borough Council Election 2023, 04/05/2023
Binfield Parish Council, 04/05/2023
Borough Council Elections 2019, 02/05/2019
Binfield Parish Council, 02/05/2019
Borough Council Elections, 07/05/2015
Binfield Parish Council, 07/05/2015
Borough Council Elections, 05/05/2011
Binfield Parish Council, 05/05/2011
Binfield Parish Council, 03/05/2007
Borough Council Elections, 03/05/2007
Borough Council Elections, 01/05/2003
Borough Council Elections, 04/05/2000