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Allen, Councillor Nick Allen
Bailey, Councillor Roy Bailey
Barnard, Councillor Gareth Barnard
Bidwell, Councillor Paul Bidwell
Brown, Councillor Tricia Brown
Cochrane, Councillor Janet Cochrane
Collings, Councillor Sheila Collings
Eberle, Councillor Christoph Eberle
Eberle, Councillor Tina Eberle
Egglestone, Councillor Caroline Egglestone
Ejaz, Councillor Naheed Ejaz
Forster, Councillor Mike Forster
Forster, Councillor Sophie Forster
Frewer, Councillor Peter Frewer
Frost, Councillor Ryan Frost
Gaw, Councillor Moira Gaw
Gillbe, Councillor Guy Gillbe
Haffegee, Councillor Adrian Haffegee
Harrison, Councillor John Harrison
Hayes, Councillor Dorothy Hayes MBE
Jefferies, Councillor Iskandar Jefferies
Karim, Councillor Michael Karim
McKenzie-Boyle, Councillor Tina McKenzie-Boyle
McLean, Councillor Robert McLean
Mossom, Councillor Ray Mossom
Neil, Councillor Kathryn Neil
O'Regan, Councillor Stephen O'Regan
Penfold, Councillor Jenny Penfold
Pickering, Councillor Georgia Pickering
Pressland, Councillor Donna Louise Pressland
Purnell, Councillor Helen Purnell
Robertson, Councillor Nicholas Robertson
Smith, Councillor Patrick Smith
Temperton, Councillor Mary Temperton
Thompson, Councillor Cath Thompson
Thompson, Councillor Philip Thompson
Virgo, Councillor Tony Virgo
Watts, Councillor Jodie Watts
Webb, Councillor Gerry Webb
Welch, Councillor Cherise Welch
Wright, Councillor Megan Wright
Zahuruddin, Councillor Nazar Zahuruddin
Registered gifts and hospitalities
19/10/2024 - Bouquet of flowers offered by Bracknell Nepalese Society; Bouquet of flowers ; Value £30
13/07/2024 - Bouquet of flowers offered by Newbold College; Gift - around £30 value ; Value £30