To agree the response to the consultation on
the submission version of the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan
(Regulation 16) and to submit the Plan for Examination (Regulation
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Crowthorne; Little Sandhurst and Wellington;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/07/2019
Decision due: 24 Oct 2019 by Executive Member for Planning and Transport
Lead member: Executive Member for Planning and Transport
Lead director: Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration
Department: Place, Planning & Regeneration
Contact: Max Baker, Assistant Director: Planning Email: Tel: 01344 351902.
Consultation process
This is a public consultation on the
submission version of the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan (Statutory
Regulation 16 consultation)
Bracknell Forest Council can provide comments
on this consultation which will be sent to the Independent
Examiner. In producing the response, colleagues from affected
service areas have been consulted for comments.
Making Representations: In writing to the Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration
Financial Impact: Central Government grant. Within existing budget.