To seek approval of the Biodiversity Action
Plan 2024-2029 for publication
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024
Decision due: 17 Sep 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside
Lead director: Executive Director: People
Department: Place
Contact: Rosie Lear, Biodiversity Officer Email:
Consultation process
The draft plan was co-produced with key
internal and external stakeholders. The Biodiversity Officer
liaised with key stakeholders via workshops and one-to-one
discussions to gather feedback on the previous BAP and ideas for
the BAP 2024-2029. These were used to develop the draft document.
The draft document went to a full 4-week public consultation to
gather wider views. There were 45 responses to the online
consultation, with one additional set of feedback received directly
by email. This feedback has been used to refine the plan for final
sign off.
Consultees involved with the co-production of
the draft:
Workshop attendees: Crowthorne Village Action Group, Binfield
Environment Group, Binfield Parish Council, Warfield Environment
Group, Easthampstead Living Churchyard Group, Bracknell Forest
Natural History Society, Priestwood Environment Group, Crowthorne
Parish Council, Bracknell Forest Council - Ranger Service,
Bracknell Conservation Volunteers, Wildlife in Ascot, Sandhurst
Town Council, Involve, Moor Green Lakes, Crown Estate, Thames21
(Maidenhead to Teddington Catchment Partnership host), TVERC,
Bracknell Forest Council – Climate Change Officer, Natural
Feedback received outside of workshop from: Warfield Environment
Group, Environment Agency, Hedge and Woodland Conservationists,
Natural England (Thames Basin Heath Partnership)
Internal feedback on initial draft received from: Rangers, Climate
Change Officers, Planning Policy, Tree Officers
Consultees through public consultation:
There were 45 responses to the online consultation, with one
additional set of feedback received directly by email. Paper copies
of the documents and consultation questions were provided at
Bracknell, Crowthorne and Sandhurst libraries. No responses were
received through the paper copies. Of the 45 responses received via
the consultation portal, 13 are members of an organisation such as
a wildlife conservation group and 4 of these are members of the
Bracknell Forest Nature Partnership. Responses were received from
people living in every town/parish within Bracknell Forest, with
the majority living in Bracknell. 5 responses were received from
people who live outside Bracknell Forest.
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: Place
Financial Impact: There will be no direct financial implications as the BAP is a strategy for guiding work for biodiversity across the borough. There may be financial implications of delivering the targets. This will be explored over the plan period as projects are worked up and agreed.