To seek approval to consult on Main
Modifications to the Bracknell Forest Local Plan (Submission
version) and associated documents for a statutory period of at
least six weeks.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023
Decision due: 21 Mar 2023 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Planning and Transport
Lead director: Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration
Department: Place, Planning & Regeneration
Contact: Andrew Hunter, Executive Director: Place Email: Tel: 01344 351907.
Consultation process
The Procedure Guide for Local Plan
Examinations (February 2022) issued by the Planning Inspectorate
makes it clear that the nature and duration of the consultation
should reflect that of the consultation held at the Regulation 19
stage. This means that it should last at least six weeks and
involve a range of methods of communication. These will include
setting up an online consultation event (including notification to
those on the local plan database), updating information on the
Council’s website, providing hard copies of information at
locations around the Borough (specific libraries, parish/town
council offices and Time Square) and putting information on the
Council’s social media pages.
• Neighbouring County, District and
Borough Councils.
• Specific consultees (such as ‘duty to
co-operate’ bodies and specific consultees, including
Environment Agency, Natural England, Historic England and Homes
• General consultees (including residents, landowners and
bodies which represent the interests of different groups).
Making Representations: In writing to the Director of Place, Planning & Regeneration
Financial Impact: The consultation forms part of the examination process which is being funded from the Development Plan budget.