Issue details

Making (adoption) of the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan 2013-2037

To agree that the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan is ‘made’ because the majority of those who voted at the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan were in favour of Bracknell Forest Council using the Neighbourhood Plan to help decide planning applications in the Warfield neighbourhood area.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Binfield with Warfield; Warfield Harvest Ride; Winkfield & Cranbourne;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/11/2022

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
Following the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) Referendum on 17 November 2023,, where voters voted in favour of the Plan, the Council is now required by the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations to formally adopt (‘make’) the Plan within 8 weeks of the Referendum

Decision due: 13 Dec 2022 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Planning and Transport

Lead director: Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration

Department: Place, Planning & Regeneration

Contact: Matt Lunn, Strategic Sites & Design Team Manager Email: Tel: 01344 351608.

Consultation process

No further consultation is required at this stage. The report seeks to ‘make’ the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan because the majority of those who voted at the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan were in favour of Bracknell Forest Council using the Neighbourhood Plan to help decide planning applications in the Warfield neighbourhood area. Consultation was carried out at an earlier stage in the plan making process.



Making Representations: In writing to the Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Financial Impact: None


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