Issue details

Corporate Business Change Programme

To approve the Corporate Business Change Programme.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/05/2022

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  -

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Paragraph 1 - Information relating to any individual.

Paragraph 2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.

Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Paragraph 4 - Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the Authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the Authority.

Paragraph 5 - Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.

Paragraph 6 - Information which reveals that the Authority proposes:-

(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person: or

(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

Paragraph 7 - Information relating to any act

Decision due: 19 Jul 2022 by Executive

Lead director: Chief Executive

Department: Communities and Policy

Contact: Abby Thomas, Assistant Director: Communities and Policy Email: Tel: 01344 353307.

Consultation process

Meetings and emails


Executive Member for Finance and Transformation, departmental management teams and the corporate management team.

Making Representations: In writing to the Assistant Director Chief Executive’s Office.

Financial Impact: The business change programme aims to ensure that the council’s services are financially sustainable in the long term.


Agenda items