Issue details

Overview and Scrutiny Review of Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

To consider the recommendations of the review into Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The review seeks to understand the response by the Council and their partners to the outcome of the SEND Ofsted inspection.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2022

Decision due: 18 Oct 2022 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning

Lead director: Executive Director: People

Department: Delivery

Contact: Louise Connelly, Team Leader: Overview & Scrutiny Email:

Consultation process

Desk top reviews; interviews, case studies, observation, mystery shopping and school visits.


Lead officers in Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust and East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Lead officers in Bracknell Forest Council and the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning .
Third sector organisations.
Representatives from parent/carer forum representatives
Children and young people with SEND.
School representatives.

Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director, Delivery

Financial Impact: The review seeks to understand SEND support and provision in the borough and ensure the local authority and its partners respond to the Ofsted SEND inspection. Any financial implications for Bracknell Forest Council arising from the recommendations will either be a) confirmed as remaining within existing approved budgets, b) fully costed or c) identified as requiring a feasibility study to be completed.

Document(s) to be considered: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Overview and Scrutiny Review report

Agenda items