The Cabinet Member for the Environment, Community and Housing is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise executive functions:
1 Overall performance and effective operation of the environmental services, services to keep the community safe and address the housing needs of the borough. To build and sustain resilient communities, that work together, based on trust, respect and mutual understanding.
2 Engaged and empowered Communities development: Responsible for Community Cohesion, focusing on building social capital and enhancing community resilience.
3 Empowerment of Civic Participation and Community Engagement: empowering community involvement and advancing civic participation for all communities and demographic groups. To encourage active participation in local activities while fostering collaboration with community organisations to promote community cohesion.
4 Facilitation of Inclusive Decision-Making Processes: facilitate community involvement in civic life by engaging with residents and community groups. Ensuring that the voices of all stakeholders are heard and considered in local governance.
5 Lead for the 3rd sector: voluntary and community groups. To collaborate with third sector groups to promote building of social capital, fostering trust and social cohesion. Encouraging civic participation through volunteering, capacity-building and co-designing, and co-delivering services. The distribution of grants and funding programs to ensure they thrive and address community needs.
6 To chair the Town and Parish Councils Liaison meeting.
7 The Council’s arrangements to meet the requirements of Equalities legislation (public sector equalities duty).
8 Lead waste management and reduction strategies aligned with national and local “reject, reduce, reuse, and recycle” objectives, while promoting community engagement and advocating for sustainable infrastructure. Champion the circular economy principles and build a greener future for the community (incl: Household recycling centres, waste fleet and weighbridges).
9 Environmental Services: Public cleansing, including street sweeping, cesspools and private sewers. Public Conveniences, Grounds maintenance, other than countryside maintenance (excluding tree management). Rural hedges and ditches. Environmental Improvement Schemes not covered in any other portfolio.
10 Closed landfill sites and associated surveillance, management and land utilisation.
11 The Council’s functions as a Housing Authority, including the prevention of homelessness, the adequate provision for rough sleepers and those in need of temporary accommodation. The fair administration of the allocation of housing and ensuring that people in the borough have safe & affordable places to live. To represent the Council on the Strategic Housing Partnership.
12 The council’s landlord function (non-commercial), for the provision of temporary accommodation and any other housing stock held by the council. This to include safety of these homes, and their repairs and maintenance.
13 The facilitation of delivering additional affordable homes within the borough, including ensuring sufficient provision for those with care and support needs (incl: adaptations).
14 The community safety statutory partners, including liaison with Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Thames Valley Police. Liaison and engagement with the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner, including attending partnership boards and decision-making bodies.
15 To be responsible for meeting the council’s statutory duties in relation to: Prevent, Serious violence, domestic abuse, and Youth Justice. To hold responsibility for prevention and reduction of anti-social behaviour and the statutory notices and actions that are associated with this area of work.
16 To issue and/or extend Public Spaces Protection Orders, and the use of CCTV systems in public places. Responsibility for overt monitoring covered by the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner.
To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible. To serve on Cabinet committee (e.g. Joint Waste Disposal Board).