The Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture, Public Protection & Democracy is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise executive functions:
2 The development and introduction of the digital council, including knowledge and information management (KIM), cyber resilience and records management (including links to the Berkshire Records Office and National Archives).
3 To exercise the Council’s powers under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976; to take appropriate actions as set out in the act.
4 To exercise the Council’s powers under Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 [the promotion of well-being.]
5 The provision, maintenance and development of Arts, Culture and Heritage services within the borough, including libraries, South Hill Park Trust client, event spaces, Tourism information (the council’s third space strategy).
6 The provision, maintenance and development of leisure within the borough, including leisure development, sports provision (including the council’s sports centres and other leisure facilities).
7 Measures to promote the physical health and wellbeing of borough residents – including, encouraging participation in group activities, team sports and an active lifestyle for all.
8 Life events: Civil registration (births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships). The Coroner’s Service and associated functions, Easthampstead Park Cemeteries and the Crematorium (including the development of new sites) and temporary and permanent mortuary services.
9 To be the Cabinet Member for emergency planning and business continuity, in line with the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. To oversee the borough’s preparedness and resilience to crisis. To champion the borough’s Community Risk Register. To lead on the joint arrangements for the provision of emergency planning, making minor changes to the partnership agreement, including the admission and removal of partners.
10 To be the Cabinet Member on the Joint Public Protection Committee. To exercise the Cabinet decision making delegated to this committee by council. To make minor changes to the partnership agreement, including the admission of new partners and service scopes.
11 Public Protection (Environmental health) including:
· Food and safety control.
· Control and monitoring of pollution and statutory nuisances.
· Infectious disease and pest control.
· Animal control.
· Damp and mould.
· Environmental Crime (fly-tipping, dumping and Removal and disposal of abandoned vehicles).
12 Public Protection (Trading Standards) including:
· Weights and measures.
· Fair trading.
· Trade description.
· Consumer credit and safety.
· Consumer complaints.
13 Public Protection (Health and Safety) including:
· Health, safety and welfare of people at, or affected by, work (functions that are not within the purview of the Health and Safety Executive).
· Promotion of health education and home safety.
14 Any licensing functions, which are executive functions, and do not fall within the remit of the Licensing and Safety Committee.
15 Responsibility for covert monitoring covered by the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner and Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office.
16 To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible.